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Continuities By: Romare Bearden.

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1 Continuities By: Romare Bearden

2 Romare Bearden Born September 2, 1911
Prominent African-American artist during the height of the Harlem Renaissance During the 1960’s, he started to experiment with collage art. His work was created by gluing fragments of paper, fabric, scraps, photographs, drawings, and images in magazines and newspapers to a flat surface. In addition, he used watercolors, oil paints, and inks in his collages. The collage we will see today directly inspired August Wilson to write Fences. Bearden died March 12, 1988.

3 On your own paper, answer the following:
What is going on in this work of art? What catches your eye first? Why? Describe the setting. What is the tone of the collage? How does Bearden create this? If there were thought bubbles above the heads of both the man and woman, what do you think each are thinking? Why? Why do you think August Wilson was inspired by this collage?

4 For your homework: You will create a collage similar in style to this work of art. You will choose a memorable moment in your life to depict in collage form. Make sure it is school appropriate!!! On the back, write a paragraph explaining what is being depicted. Guidelines: All of the space must be covered. Each person conveyed in the collage must be made of at least 4 different parts – so don’t just use a whole picture. Make sure everything is glued down completely. Don’t use tape, staples, etc. This will be due next Monday.

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