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Pronunciation /b/ /v/.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronunciation /b/ /v/."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronunciation /b/ /v/

2 The teacher will write in two columns words beginning with /b/ and /v/
The teacher will write in two columns words beginning with /b/ and /v/. After writing on the white board a word, practice pronouncing the two words noting the difference between /b/ and /v/ sounds and how the mouth is used to pronounce. Continue with the other words in the columns.

3 bet vet

4 bet vet base vase

5 bet vet base vase berry very

6 bet vet base vase berry very best vest

7 bet vet base vase berry very best vest ban van

8 bet vet base vase berry very best vest ban van boat vote

9 bet vet base vase berry very best vest ban van boat vote bending vending

10 bet vet base vase berry very best vest ban van boat vote bending vending bile vile

11 bet vet base vase berry very best vest ban van boat vote bending vending bile vile bale veil

12 The rebel took the loaves with fiber, dove on a bolt of lightning with a volt.

13 A bowl was given on the curb with some beer and a broom.


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