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Published byTheodore Bond Modified over 6 years ago
CPE 528: Session #8 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alabama in Huntsville
Notes on VHDL Synthesis
Outline Files Notes on VHDL Synthesis 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
File input/output in VHDL Used in test benches
Files File input/output in VHDL Used in test benches Source of test data Storage for test results VHDL provides a standard TEXTIO package read/write lines of text 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Files (cont’d) VHDL defines a file object, associated types, and certain limited file operations File declarations VHDL87 VHDL93 TYPE file_type IS FILE OF type_mark; PROCEDURE READ(FILE identifier : file_type; value : OUT type_mark); PROCEDURE WRITE(FILE identifier : file_type; value : IN type_mark); FUNCTION ENDFILE(FILE identifier : file_type) RETURN BOOLEAN; VHDL defines the file object and includes some basic file IO procedures implicitly after a file type is defined. A file type must be defined for each VHDL type that is to be input from or output to a file. Example: TYPE bit_file IS FILE of bit; In VHDL87, there are no routines to open or close a file, so both the mode of the file and its name must be specified in the file declaration. The mode defaults to read if none is specified. Examples: FILE in_file:bit_file IS “my_file.dat” -- opens a file for reading FILE out_file:bit_file IS OUT “my_other_file.dat”; -- opens a file for writing In VHDL93, a file can be named and opened in the declaration: FILE in_file:bit_file OPEN READ_MODE IS “my_file.dat”; -- opens a file for reading Or simply declared (and named and opened later): FILE out_file:bit_file; FILE identifier : file_type IS [mode] “file_name”; FILE identifier : file_type [[OPEN mode] IS “file_name”]; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Files (Cont’d) VHDL 87 - files are opened and closed when the associated file object comes into and goes out of scope VHDL 93 -- opens a file for reading FILE in_file:bit_file IS “my_file.dat” -- opens a file for writing FILE out_file:bit_file IS OUT “my_other_file.dat”; VHDL defines the file object and includes some basic file IO procedures implicitly after a file type is defined. A file type must be defined for each VHDL type that is to be input from or output to a file. Example: TYPE bit_file IS FILE of bit; In VHDL87, there are no routines to open or close a file, so both the mode of the file and its name must be specified in the file declaration. The mode defaults to read if none is specified. Examples: FILE in_file:bit_file IS “my_file.dat” -- opens a file for reading FILE out_file:bit_file IS OUT “my_other_file.dat”; -- opens a file for writing In VHDL93, a file can be named and opened in the declaration: FILE in_file:bit_file OPEN READ_MODE IS “my_file.dat”; -- opens a file for reading Or simply declared (and named and opened later): FILE out_file:bit_file; -- opens a file for reading FILE in_file:bit_file OPEN READ_MODE IS “my_file.dat”; -- Or simply declared (and named and opened later): FILE out_file:bit_file; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
File Opening and Closing
In VHDL93, files can be opened in the declaration or predefined procedures can be used: The values for FILE_OPEN_KIND are: READ_MODE, WRITE_MODE, and APPEND_MODE The values for FILE_OPEN_STATUS are: OPEN_OK, STATUS_ERROR, NAME_ERROR, and MODE_ERROR PROCEDURE FILE_OPEN(FILE identifier:file_type; file_name: IN STRING; open_kind: FILE_OPEN_KIND := READ_MODE); PROCEDURE FILE_OPEN(status: OUT FILE_OPEN_STATUS; FILE identifier: file_type; PROCEDURE FILE_CLOSE(FILE identifier: file_type); In VHDL87, the file is opened and closed when it come into and goes out of scope. In VHDL93, there are two FILE_OPEN procedures, one of which returns a value of the status (success) for opening the file, and one which doesn’t. There is also a FILE_CLOSE procedure. The values for FILE_OPEN_KIND are: READ_MODE, WRITE_MODE, and APPEND_MODE. The values for FILE_OPEN_STATUS are: OPEN_OK, STATUS_ERROR, NAME_ERROR, and MODE_ERROR. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Basic file operations in VHDL are limited to unformatted input/output
Text Input and Output Basic file operations in VHDL are limited to unformatted input/output VHDL includes the TEXTIO package for input and output of ASCII text TEXTIO is located in the STD library The following data types are supported by the TEXTIO routines: Bit, Bit_vector Boolean Character, String Integer, Real Time USE STD.TEXTIO.ALL; The TEXTIO package provides additional declarations and subprograms for handling text (ASCII) files in VHDL. For example, the basic READ and WRITE operations of the FILE type are not very useful because they work with binary files. Therefore, the TEXTIO package provides subprograms for manipulating text more easily and efficiently. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
TEXTIO Procedures TEXTIO defines a LINE data type
All read and write operations use the LINE type TEXTIO also defines a FILE type of TEXT for use with ASCII text Procedures defined by TEXTIO are: READLINE(f,k) reads a line of file f and places it in buffer k READ(k,v,...) reads a value of v of its type from k WRITE(k,v,...) writes value v to LINE k WRITELINE(f,k) writes k to file f ENDFILE(f) returns TRUE at the end of FILE TEXTIO defines two new data types to assist in text handling. The first is the LINE data type. The LINE type is a text buffer used to interface VHDL I/O and the file. Only the LINE type may read from or written to a file. A new FILE type of TEXT is also defined. A file of type TEXT may only contain ASCII characters. Several of the procedures provided by TEXTIO for handling text input/output are also listed in this slide. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
READ and WRITE have several formatting parameters
Using TEXTIO Reading from a file READLINE reads a line from the file into a LINE buffer READ gets data from the buffer Writing to a file WRITE puts data into a LINE buffer WRITELINE writes the data in the LINE buffer to file READ and WRITE have several formatting parameters Right or left justification Field width Unit displayed (for time) TEXTIO requires that all disk access go through a buffer of type LINE. In addition, the READ and WRITE procedures can further format the text. The field width of the text is the length of the text if not otherwise specified. If the text is of type TIME, the unit of time can be specified. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
TEXTIO: Example 1 This procedure displays the current state of a FSM
USE STD.TEXTIO.ALL; --TEXTIO package is available TYPE state IS (reset, good); - new type state is declared PROCEDURE display_state (current_state : IN state) IS VARIABLE k : LINE; -- buffer k of type LINE -- file flush is of type TEXT and will output to console FILE flush : TEXT IS OUT "/dev/tty"; VARIABLE state_string : STRING(1 to 7); -- text value BEGIN CASE current_state IS WHEN reset => state_string := "reset "; WHEN good => state_string := "good "; END CASE; WRITE (k, state_string, LEFT, 7); --left justified, 7s WRITELINE (flush, k); -- send buffer to file flush END display_state; This example displays the current state of a finite state machine model execution. First, the USE clause makes the contents of the TEXTIO package available. The enumerated type STATE is then locally declared. The procedure display_state requires only one input value, the current state of the FSM. Several local variables are declared within the procedure. The buffer k of type LINE will be used for WRITE storage. The FILE flush is of type TEXT and will output to a file named /dev/tty (i.e. the system console in UNIX; that is, the procedure will write to the screen). The variable state_string holds the text value of the state. The CASE statement is used to assign the appropriate string value to the variable state_string in preparation for outputting the information to a file. The WRITE statement then writes the value of state_string to the buffer k. The WRITE statement further specifies that the string should be left justified and be 7 spaces wide. Finally, the WRITELINE sends the buffer k to the file flush. The text is then written to the screen. Note that this particular procedure would not work well for writing to a file since the file is re-initialized every time the procedure is used, and thus the text would always be written to the beginning of the file. However, using TEXTIO to write to a file may be accomplished by passing the file to the procedure as a parameter, or by using a process that implements the same functionality, for example. Based on [Navabi93] If we call this procedure again ... 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
TextIO: Read_v1d procedure read_v1d (variable f :in text ; v : out std_logic_vector ) is variable buf : line; variable c : character ; begin do not forget appropriate library declarations readline (f , buf ); --read a line from the file. for i in v ’range loop read( buf , c ) ; --read a character from the line. case c is when ‘ X ’ => v (i) := ‘ X ’ ; when ‘ U ’ => v (i) := ‘ U ’ ; when ‘ Z ’ => v (i) := ‘ Z ’ ; when ‘ 0 ’ => v (i) := ‘ 0 ’ ; when ‘ 1 ’ => v (i) := ‘ 1 ’ ; when ‘ -’ => v (i):= ‘ -’ ; when ‘ W ’ => v (i) := ‘ W ’ ; when ‘ L ’ => v (i) := ‘ L ’ ; when ‘ H ’ => v (i) := ‘ H ’ ; when others => v (i) := ‘ 0 ’; end case; end loop; end; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Longer TextIO example -- square the value int_val := int_val **2;
-- write the squared value to the line WRITE( out_line, int_val); -- write the line to the output file WRITELINE( outfile, out_line); END LOOP; END PROCESS; END simple; LIBRARY IEEE; USE STD.TEXTIO.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_TEXTIO.ALL; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; ENTITY square IS PORT( go : IN std_logic); END square; ARCHITECTURE simple OF square IS BEGIN PROCESS(go) FILE infile : TEXT IS IN "/pp/test/example1"; FILE outfile : TEXT IS OUT "/pp/test/outfile1"; VARIABLE out_line, my_line : LINE; VARIABLE int_val : INTEGER; WHILE NOT( ENDFILE(infile)) LOOP -- read a line from the input file READLINE( infile, my_line); -- read a value from the line READ( my_line, int_val); 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Format of the data in the file
An Example Procedure to read data from a file and store the data in a memory array Format of the data in the file address N comments byte1 byte2 ... byteN comments address – 4 hex digits N – indicates the number of bytes of code bytei - 2 hex digits each byte is separated by one space the last byte must be followed by a space anything following the last state will not be read and will be treated as a comment 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
An Example (cont’d) Code sequence: an example
12AC 7 (7 hex bytes follow) AE 03 B6 91 C7 00 0C (LDX imm, LDA dir, STA ext) 005B 2 (2 bytes follow) 01 FC_ TEXTIO does not include read procedure for hex numbers we will read each hex value as a string of characters and then convert the string to an integer How to implement conversion? table lookup – constant named lookup is an array of integers indexed by characters in the range ‘0’ to ‘F’ this range includes the 23 ASCII characters: ‘0’, ‘1’, ... ‘9’, ‘:’, ‘;’, ‘<‘, ‘=‘, ‘>’, ‘?’, ‘A’, ... ‘F’ corresponding values: 0, 1, ... 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
VHDL Code to Fill Memory Array
21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
VHDL Code to Fill Memory Array (cont’d)
21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Notes on VHDL Synthesis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alabama in Huntsville
VHDL Packages for Synthesis VHDL for Combinational Logic Synthesis
Outline VHDL Packages for Synthesis VHDL for Combinational Logic Synthesis VHDL for Sequential Logic Synthesis VHDL for RTL Level Synthesis Structural VHDL Implementation Technology Considerations Summary 6
VHDL Packages for Synthesis Base Types
Standard bit types may be used Typically IEEE 1164 Std. types are used std_ulogic type Values ‘U’, ‘X’, ‘W’, and ‘-’ are called metalogical values for synthesis USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL; TYPE std_ulogic IS ( 'U', -- Uninitialized 'X', -- Forcing Unknown '0', -- Forcing 0 '1', -- Forcing 1 'Z', -- High Impedance 'W', -- Weak Unknown 'L', -- Weak 0 'H', -- Weak 1 '-' -- Don't care ); std_logic type - resolved std_ulogic type
VHDL Packages for Synthesis Base Types (cont.)
The std_logic_1164 package also contains: Vectors of std_ulogic and std_logic Subtypes of std_logic - X01, X01Z, UX01, UX10Z Logic functions with various arguments - std_ulogic, std_logic, std_logic_vector FUNCTION “and” (l,r : std_ulogic;) RETURN UX01; FUNCTION “nand” (l,r : std_ulogic;) RETURN UX01; FUNCTION “or” (l,r : std_ulogic;) RETURN UX01; FUNCTION “nor” (l,r : std_ulogic;) RETURN UX01; FUNCTION “xor” (l,r : std_ulogic;) RETURN UX01; FUNCTION “xnor” (l,r : std_ulogic;) return ux01; FUNCTION "not" (l,r : std_ulogic) RETURN UX01; Conversion functions FUNCTION To_bit(s:std_ulogic) RETURN bit; FUNCTION To_bitvector(s:std_ulogic_vector) RETURN bit_vector; FUNCTION To_StdULogic(b:bit) RETURN std_ulogic;
VHDL Packages for Synthesis Base Types (cont.)
Clock edge functions FUNCTION rising_edge (SIGNAL s:std_ulogic) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION falling_edge (SIGNAL s:std_ulogic) RETURN boolean; Unknown functions FUNCTION Is_X (s:std_ulogic_vector) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION Is_X (s:std_logic_vector) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION Is_X (s:std_ulogic) RETURN boolean;
VHDL Packages for Synthesis Arithmetic Packages
All synthesis tools support some type of arithmetic packages Synopsis developed packages based on std_logic_1164 package - supported by many other synthesis tools std_logic_arith std_logic_signed std_logic_unsigned Actel synthesis tools support their own package asyl.arith IEEE has developed standard packages for synthesis IEEE Std Numeric_Bit Numeric_Std 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
IEEE Std 1076.3 Packages Numeric_Bit
Type declarations for signed and unsigned numbers USE IEEE.numeric_bit.ALL; TYPE unsigned IS ARRAY (natural RANGE <> ) OF bit; TYPE signed IS ARRAY (natural RANGE <> ) OF bit; Arithmetic operators - various combinations of signed and unsigned arguments FUNCTION “abs” (arg:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “-” (arg:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “+” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “-” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “*” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “/” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “rem” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “mod” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
IEEE Std 1076.3 Packages Numeric_Bit
Comparison operators - various combinations of signed and unsigned arguments FUNCTION “>” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION “<” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION “<=” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION “>=” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION “=” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION “/=” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; Shift and rotate functions FUNCTION shift_left (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION shift_right (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION rotate_left (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION rotate_right (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION sll (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION slr (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION rol (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION ror (arg:unsigned; count:natural) RETURN unsigned; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
IEEE Std 1076.3 Packages Numeric_Bit
Resize functions FUNCTION resize (arg:unsigned;new_size:natural) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION resize (arg:signed;new_size:natural) RETURN signed; Conversion functions FUNCTION to_integer (arg:unsigned) RETURN natural; FUNCTION to_unsigned (arg,size:natural) RETURN unsigned; Logical operators FUNCTION “not” (l:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “and” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “or” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “nand” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “nor” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; FUNCTION “xnor” (l,r:unsigned) RETURN unsigned; Edge detection functions FUNCTION rising_edge(SIGNAL s:bit) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION falling_edge(SIGNAL s:bit) RETURN boolean; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
IEEE Std 1076.3 Packages Numeric_Std
USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL; Similar to Numeric_Bit package using std_logic_1164 types Signed and unsigned type declarations Aritmetic operators Comparison operators Shift and rotate functions Resize functions Conversion functions Logical operators Match functions STD_MATCH function compares two values and returns true if: - both values are well defined and have the same values - one value is ‘0’ and the other is ‘L’ - one value is ‘1’ and the other is ‘H’ - at least one of the values is ‘-’ For vectors, they must be of the same length and each element returns true from a STD_MATCH call on it. Translation functions translate ‘H’ to ‘1’ and ‘L’ to ‘0’. If a value other than ‘0’, ‘L’, ‘1’, or ‘H’ is found, a warning is issued. FUNCTION std_match (l,r:std_ulogic) RETURN boolean; FUNCTION std_match (l,r:unsigned) RETURN boolean; Translation functions FUNCTION to_01 (s:unsigned; xmap:std_logic := ‘0’) RETURN unsigned; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
VHDL for Combinational Logic Synthesis
Outline VHDL Packages for Synthesis VHDL for Combinational Logic Synthesis Types Attributes Concurrent signal assignment statements Operators Processes If statements Case statements Loops Procedures and functions Tri state logic Use of don’t cares After clauses Inferring latches Problems to avoid VHDL for Sequential Logic Synthesis VHDL for RTL Level Synthesis 6
Types Scalar types Enumeration types are supported
Bit, Boolean, and Std_Ulogic map to single bits Mapping of other types will be made by the tool unless the ENUM_ENCODING attribute is used Character type is suppored Severity_level type is ignored Integer type, Natural, and Positive are supported A subtype with a descrete range should be used or the default 32 bit length will be synthesized Physical types (e.g., time) are ignored Floating point type is ignored - references to floating point objects can occur only within ignored constructs, e.g., After clauses, etc. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Types (cont.) Array types are supported Record types are supported
Bounds must be specified directly or indirectly as static values of an integer type Element subtype must denote a scalar type or a one dimensional vector of an enumerated type that denotes single bits TYPE integer_array IS ARRAY(natural RANGE 7 DOWNTO 0) OF integer; TYPE boolean_array IS ARRAY(integer RANGE <>) OF boolean; ... SIGNAL bool_sig : boolean_array(-1 to 1); Record types are supported Access types are ignored File types are ignored File objects and file operations are not supported 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Attributes The following predefined attributes for types are supported: t’BASE t’LEFT t’RIGHT t’HIGH t’LOW The following predefined attributes for array objects are supported: a’LEFT a’RIGHT a’HIGH a’LOW a’RANGE a’REVERSE_RANGE a’LENGTH The following predefined attributes for signals are supported s’STABLE s’EVENT User defined attributes other than ENUM_ENCODING are NOT supported 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements
Simple concurrent signal assignment statements are supported library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY aoi_csa is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END aoi_csa; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF aoi_csa IS SIGNAL sig1,sig2 : std_logic; BEGIN sig1 <= a AND b; sig2 <= c OR sig1; y <= NOT sig2; END behavior; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY csa is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END csa; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF csa IS BEGIN y <= a NOR b; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Conditional Signal Assignment Statements
Concurrent conditional signal assignment statements are supported - must end in else clause library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux2 is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; sel : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END mux2; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF mux2 IS BEGIN y <= a WHEN (sel = '0') ELSE b WHEN (sel = '1') ELSE 'X'; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Selected Signal Assignment Statements
Concurrent selected signal assignment statements are supported library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux4 is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; d : IN std_logic; sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT std_logic); END mux4; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF mux4 IS BEGIN WITH sel SELECT y <= a WHEN "00", b WHEN "01", c WHEN "10", d WHEN "11", 'X' WHEN OTHERS; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Operators Generally, if the numeric_bit and numeric_std packages are supported, the operators within them are supported Arithmetic operators - “abs”, “+”, “-”, “*”, “/”, “rem”, “mod” library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ENTITY divider is PORT(divisor : IN unsigned(1 DOWNTO 0); dividend : IN unsigned(1 DOWNTO 0); quotient : OUT unsigned(1 DOWNTO 0)); END divider; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF divider IS BEGIN quotient <= dividend / divisor; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Operators (cont.) Comparison operators - “>”, “<“, “<=“, “>=“, “=“, “/=“ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ENTITY compare is PORT(a : IN unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); b : IN unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); aleb : OUT boolean); END compare; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF compare IS BEGIN aleb <= (a <= b); END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Operators (cont.) Shift and conversion operators - “shift_left”, “shift_right”, “rotate_left”, “rotate_right”, “resize”, “to_integer”, “to_unsigned” library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ENTITY shift_4 is PORT(a : IN unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); b : IN unsigned(1 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0)); END shift_4; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF shift_4 IS BEGIN y <= shift_left(a,to_integer(b)); END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Process Statements Process statements are supported
Postponed processes (or postponed concurrent signal assignment statements) are NOT supported Process statement can have either a sensitivity list or a WAIT statement Sensitivity list is ignored for synthesis (by most tools) - thus, to avoid simulation mismatches, all signals which appear on the RHS should be in the sensitivity list Only one WAIT statement per process is allowed and it must be the first statement in the process after BEGIN Only the WAIT UNTIL syntax of the WAIT statement is supported WAIT UNTIL input1 = ‘1’; WAIT UNTIL clock’EVENT and clock = ‘1’; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Process Statements Example
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY aoi_process is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END aoi_process; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF aoi_process IS SIGNAL sig1 : std_logic; BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b,c,sig1) sig1 <= a AND b; y <= not(sig1 or c); END PROCESS comb; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Process Statements Incomplete Sensitivity List
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY aoi_process is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END aoi_process; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF aoi_process IS SIGNAL sig1 : std_logic; BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b,c) sig1 <= a AND b; y <= not(sig1 or c); END PROCESS comb; END behavior; a y b c sig1 U a y b c sig1 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Sequential Signal Assignment Statements
Various types of signal assignment statements inside a process statement (sequential signal assignment statements) are supported IF statements Case statements Loop statement Only For loops supported Bounds must be specified as static values of an integer type Exit and Next statements supported (without lables) 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Sequential IF Statements
IF statements are supported library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY xor_process is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END xor_process; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF xor_process IS BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b) IF((a = '1' and b = '0') OR (a = '0' and b = '1')) THEN y <= '1'; ELSE y <= '0'; END IF; END PROCESS comb; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Sequential Case Statements
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux4_process is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; d : IN std_logic; sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT std_logic); END mux4_process; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF mux4_process IS BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b,c,d,sel) CASE sel IS WHEN "00" => y <= a; WHEN "01" => y <= b; WHEN "10" => y <= c; WHEN "11" => y <= d; WHEN OTHERS => y <= 'X'; END CASE; END PROCESS comb; END behavior; Case statements are supported Choices which include metalogical values are never taken 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Sequential Loop Statements
Only For loops with integer range are supported library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY shift4 is PORT(mode : IN std_logic; shift_in : IN std_logic; a : IN std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 1); y : OUT std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 1); shift_out : OUT std_logic); END shift4; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF shift4 IS SIGNAL in_temp : std_logic_vector(5 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL out_temp : std_logic_vector(5 DOWNTO 1); BEGIN in_temp(0) <= shift_in; in_temp(4 DOWNTO 1) <= a; in_temp(5) <= '0'; comb : PROCESS(mode,in_temp,a) FOR i IN 1 TO 5 LOOP IF(mode = '0') THEN out_temp(i) <= in_temp(i-1); ELSE out_temp(i) <= in_temp(i); END IF; END LOOP; END PROCESS comb; y <= out_temp(4 DOWNTO 1); shift_out <= out_temp(5); END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Procedures and Functions
Procedures and Functions are supported - with limitations to allowed statement types Procedures and functions may be in a package or in the declarative part of the architecture LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; PACKAGE logic_package IS FUNCTION majority(in1, in2, in3 : std_logic) RETURN std_logic; PROCEDURE decode(SIGNAL input : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL output : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END logic_package; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Procedures and Functions (cont.)
PACKAGE BODY logic_package IS FUNCTION majority(in1, in2, in3 : std_logic) RETURN std_logic IS VARIABLE result : std_logic; BEGIN IF((in1 = '1' and in2 = '1') or (in2 = '1' and in3 = '1') or (in1 = '1' and in3 = '1')) THEN result := '1'; ELSIF((in1 = '0' and in2 = '0') or (in2 = '0' and in3 = '0') or (in1 = '0' and in3 = '0')) THEN result := '0'; ELSE result := 'X'; END IF; RETURN result; END majority; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Procedures and Functions (cont.)
PROCEDURE decode(SIGNAL input : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL output : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)) IS BEGIN CASE input IS WHEN "00" => output <= "0001"; WHEN "01" => output <= "0010"; WHEN "10" => output <= "0100"; WHEN "11" => output <= "1000"; WHEN OTHERS => output <= "XXXX"; END CASE; END decode; END logic_package; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Using Procedures and Functions
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; USE work.logic_package.all; ENTITY voter IS PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END voter; ARCHITECTURE maj OF voter IS BEGIN y <= majority(a,b,c); END maj; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Using Procedures and Functions (cont.)
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; USE work.logic_package.all; ENTITY decoder IS PORT(y : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); g : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END decoder; ARCHITECTURE dec OF decoder IS BEGIN comb : PROCESS(y) decode(y,g); END PROCESS comb; END dec; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Tri-State Logic Tri-state logic is infered when an object is assigned an IEEE Std value ‘Z’ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY tri_state4 is PORT(enable : IN std_logic; a : IN std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0)); END tri_state4; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF tri_state4 IS BEGIN y <= a WHEN (enable = '1') ELSE "ZZZZ"; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Use of Don’t Cares (‘X’s)
IEEE Std values of ‘X’ or ‘-’ can be used to specify “don’t care” conditions library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY not_xor is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; y : OUT std_logic); END not_xor; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF not_xor IS BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b) IF((a = '1' and b = '0') OR (a = '0' and b = '1')) THEN y <= '1'; ELSE y <= 'X'; -- could also be ‘-’ END IF; END PROCESS comb; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
After Clauses Although not defined by the language, most simulator’s waveform windows do not show VHDL delta cycles adequately, if at all Debugging large behavioral simulations before synthesis can be difficult if no delays are used - everything appears to happen simultaneously List windows typically show delta cycles, but can be difficult to interpret The solution is to put “dummy” delays in the behavioral descriptions using After clauses to “spread out” the events After clauses are ignored for synhtesis CONSTANT delay : TIME := 5 ns; ... output <= input + 1 AFTER delay; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Inferring Latches If signals or variables are not assigned values in some conditional expressions of IF or Case statements, level-sensitive sequential logic might result ARCHITECTURE behavior OF mux3_seq IS BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b,c,sel) CASE sel IS WHEN "00" => y <= a; WHEN "01" => y <= b; WHEN "10" => y <= c; WHEN OTHERS => --empty END CASE; END PROCESS comb; END behavior; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux3_seq is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT std_logic); END mux3_seq; Note that most synthesis tools will issue a warning if latches are being inferred. These warnings need to be taken seriously! Also, the proposed IEEE RTL Level synthesis standard allows values not to be assigned in all cases to variable and signals. However, some synhtesis tools will flag an error if this partial assignment is done with variables. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Avioding Latches library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY mux3 is PORT(a : IN std_logic; b : IN std_logic; c : IN std_logic; sel : IN std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); y : OUT std_logic); END mux3; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF mux3 IS BEGIN comb : PROCESS(a,b,c,sel) CASE sel IS WHEN "00" => y <= a; WHEN "01" => y <= b; WHEN "10" => y <= c; WHEN OTHERS => y <= 'X'; END CASE; END PROCESS comb; END behavior; Assigning values of “don’t care” (‘X’ or ‘-’) in these cases can avoid this 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Problems to Avoid Inferring Latches in Complex Behaviors
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL; use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL; ENTITY pc_comb IS PORT(data_in : IN unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); cntrl : IN unsigned(1 DOWNTO 0); data_out : OUT unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0)); END pc_comb; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF pc_comb IS SIGNAL pc : unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN one : PROCESS(dat_in, cntrl, pc) CASE cntrl IS WHEN "01" => pc <= (pc + "0001"); WHEN "10" => pc <= pc; WHEN OTHERS => pc <= data_in; END CASE; END PROCESS one; DATA_OUT <= PC; END rtl; This is not that complex a description, but the point is, it is much easier to infer latches in a complex behavioral description. For example, consider the description of a style ALU that has a four bit mode input and 16 logical and arithemetic modes. This might be coded as a large CASE statement. It is VERY important that the outputs be assigned values for ALL conditionls in the CASe statement or latches will be inferred as they are here. There is NO hope of getting this machine to run correctly in a repeatable fashion across multiple implementations because of race conditions. 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Problems to Avoid Synthesizing Asynchronous State Machines!
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; ENTITY pc_comb2 is PORT(dat_in : IN unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); cntrl : IN std_logic; data_out : OUT unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0)); END pc_comb2; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF pc_comb2 IS SIGNAL pc : unsigned(3 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN one : PROCESS(data_in, cntrl, pc) CASE cntrl IS WHEN '1' => pc <= (pc + "0001"); WHEN '0' => pc <= data_in; WHEN OTHERS => pc <= "XXXX"; END CASE; END PROCESS one; dat_out <= pc; END rtl; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Level Sensitive D Latch
Use IF statement without Else clause library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY d_latch is PORT(d : IN std_logic; clk : IN std_logic; q : INOUT std_logic; qn : OUT std_logic); END d_latch; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF d_latch IS BEGIN seq : PROCESS(d,clk) IF(clk = '1') THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS seq; qn <= not q; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Master-Slave D Latch (D Flip-Flop)
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY ms_latch is PORT(d : IN std_logic; clk : IN std_logic; q : INOUT std_logic; qn : OUT std_logic); END ms_latch; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF ms_latch IS SIGNAL q_int : std_logic; BEGIN seq1 : PROCESS(d,clk) IF(clk = '1') THEN q_int <= d; END IF; END PROCESS seq1; seq2 : PROCESS(q_int,clk) IF(clk = '0') THEN q <= q_int; END PROCESS seq2; qn <= not q; END behavior; Optimize 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Edge Sensitive D Flip-Flop
Clocks must be of BIT or STD_LOGIC type - metalogic values not allowed Rising_edge() and Falling_edge() functions can be used to specify clock edge library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY d_ff is PORT(d : IN std_logic; clk : IN std_logic; q : INOUT std_logic; qn : OUT std_logic); END d_ff; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF d_ff IS BEGIN seq : PROCESS(clk) IF(rising_edge(clk)) THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS seq; qn <= not q; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Edge Sensitive D Flip-Flop (cont.)
Wait statement can be used library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY d_ff_w is PORT(d : IN std_logic; clk : IN std_logic; q : INOUT std_logic; qn : OUT std_logic); END d_ff_w; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF d_ff_w IS BEGIN seq : PROCESS WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(clk); q <= d; END PROCESS seq; qn <= not q; END behavior; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF d_ff_w IS BEGIN seq : PROCESS WAIT UNTIL clk = ‘1’; q <= d; END PROCESS seq; qn <= not q; END behavior; 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Edge Sensitive Flip-Flops
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY d_ff_pc is PORT(d : IN std_logic; clk : IN std_logic; pre : IN std_logic; clr : IN std_logic; q : INOUT std_logic; qn : OUT std_logic); END d_ff_pc; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF d_ff_pc IS BEGIN seq : PROCESS(clk,pre,clr) IF(pre = '0') THEN q <= '1'; ELSIF(clr = '0') THEN q <= '0'; ELSIF(rising_edge(clk)) THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS seq; qn <= not q; END behavior; Preset and clear functions can be added Asynchronous with respect to the clock 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Edge Sensitive Flip-Flops
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY d_ff_spc is PORT(d : IN std_logic; clk : IN std_logic; pre : IN std_logic; clr : IN std_logic; q : INOUT std_logic; qn : OUT std_logic); END d_ff_spc; ARCHITECTURE behavior OF d_ff_spc IS BEGIN seq : PROCESS(clk) IF(rising_edge(clk)) THEN IF(pre = '0') THEN q <= '1'; ELSIF(clr = '0') THEN q <= '0'; ELSE q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS seq; qn <= not q; END behavior; Preset and clear functions can be added Synchronous with respect to the clock 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Finite State Machine Synthesis
State machines can be modeled as a combinational portion and a sequential portion Both Mealy and Moore type state machines can be described Most synthesis tools employ special algorithms to minimize state machines - thus standard procedures must be used to enable the tool to recognize the state machine Huffman FSM Model Primary Inputs Combinational Logic Primary Outputs Present State Next State Memory 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
Mealy and Moore State Machine Models
A state machine has three basic parts Next State Logic Output Logic Memory The most straight-forward way to code a synthesizable state machine is to use one process per function Mealy Machine Model Moore Machine Model Primary Inputs Output Combinational Logic Primary Outputs Primary Inputs Output Combinational Logic Primary Outputs Next State Combinational Logic Next State Combinational Logic Present State Next State Present State Next State Memory Memory 21/09/2018 UAH-CPE528
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