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Nationalism and its effects on Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

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1 Nationalism and its effects on Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

2 Nationalism Values Loyalty to nation of people
Feeling of patriotism amongst a group of people (often of similar culture/nationality) Extreme: Feeling of superiority over other countries Values Loyalty to nation of people Nation of common culture Political independence Less loyalty to Reigning government/ king Conservative (opposition) Led to Destruction of traditional empires Rise of new nation states

3 Austria Hapsburg family controls since early 1800’s
Metternich, foreign minister, works with Emperor Franz I to maintain Empire Metternich works to stop revolutions Carlsbad Decrees Prohibits reforms that conflict with monarchy Censor newspapers Create secret police force/spies Formed alliances

4 Turmoil in Austria French, German and Italian revolutions inspire revolts in Austrian Empire Empire filled with variety of nationalities: people want independence Protestors take to streets Emperor Ferdinand asks Metternich to resign Emperor abdicates Throne goes to nephew Franz Joseph I Joseph faces unstable empire Hungarian Magyans rebelled Czar Nicholas sends troops to help Franz Joseph revoke new reforms and constitution

5 The Dual Monarchy 2 Separate, equal states
Nationalism continues in Europe Austria loses land/battles/wars Province of Lombardy to Italy Loses war to Prussia Compromise of 1867 creates dual monarchy: Austria-Hungary 2 Separate, equal states Franz Joseph I: Emperor (Austria) and King (Hungary) Each has own parliament and contributes goods (Austria- manufacturing; Hungary-farming) Share ministries of war, finance, and foreign affairs


7 The Eastern Question The Ottoman Empire: Long tradition/Rule; multiethnic territory Decline: can’t defend itself against independence and external threats Greece independence (1830) Russia controls certain territory, grants self-rule European powers wonder: “What would happen if the Ottoman Empire collapsed?” Countries want access to Mediterranean Buffer zone for European Powers (Britain/France)

8 Ottoman Troubles 1850’s Dispute over Holy Land
Ottoman control region (Palestine) Gave region to Roman Catholics Deny access to Orthodox Christians Russia Invade Ottoman Territories Britain/France See as threat to interest Join Ottoman Empire in alliance

9 The Crimean War 2 years, stalemate Accomplishes almost nothing
Deaths result of disease, crowded, filthy field hospitals British Nurse Florence Nightingale: saves lives during Crimean War

10 The Balkans Area filled with diverse ethnic groups
Nationalism across Europe reaches; groups want independence Europeans countries have own agendas Leads to series of conflicts and wars in late 1800s - early 1900s Russia sees Balkans as route to Mediterranean Involved in several conflicts British/France look after own regions, support both sides

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