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The Northeast: Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan

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1 The Northeast: Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan
Chapter 22, Section 3

2 Vocabulary Kurds Mesopotamia Sunni Shi’ite Taliban

3 Human Perspective On March 16, 1988, Iraqi Air Force planes released poisonous gas over a Kurdish town called Halabja, killing an estimated 5,000 Kurds. Although the Kurds have occupied the land they live on for over 1,000 years, the modern countries that occupy these lands, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran have disagreed with the Kurds over control of these lands. These disagreements have resulted in much of the unrest in the region.

4 A Blend of Cultures Fertile Crescent Mesopotamia Hittites and Persians
Shi’ites vs. Sunni These countries are mostly Muslim, but Iraq is the only one that is Arab in cultural life. Mesopotamia, part of the “Fertile Crescent”, is one of the world’s cultural hearths: Leading to the Ancient civilizations of Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, Chaldea. Also in the region, the Hittites from Anatolia, the first to use iron weapons and Persia. which introduced innovations in government organization. The ethnic variety includes Turks, Kurds, and Persians, as well as the Arabs of Iraq. In this region, the difference within the faith of Islam generate tension: Shi’ite vs. Sunni.

5 Clashes Over Land Kurdish Homeland? Refugees to Iran 1st Gulf War
Disputes over land have increased since World War I ( Some over homelands, some over oil.) Kurds: After WWI, they were promised a homeland, but never got it. Since: Stateless nation. Because of its location, Iran has been flooded by refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan: the largest refugee population of any country in the world (Shi’ites). In the 1980s, Iran and Iraq went to war over oil fields. In , Iraq invaded Kuwait. The US and 32 other countries joined to drive them out and keep the oil fields open.

6 Clashes Over Leadership
Regime Change in Afghanistan Regime Change in Iraq As a result of the Sept. 11 attack, the United States has involved itself in “regime change” of two countries in the region: Afghanistan and Iraq. Between October of 2001 and March 2002, Operation Enduring Freedom, removed the Taliban (Muslim fundamentalist political group) from power. However, Osama Bun Laden was able to escape. Because of suspicions Saddam Hussein was continuing to develop and expand a weapons of mass destruction, the United States invaded Iraq in Saddam was removed from power, arrested, tried, and executed. No WMD were found. Years of internal conflict followed. Is it the role of the United States to get involve in internal conflicts in other countries?

7 How does internal conflict affect economic performance?
Reforming Economies Turkey Iran Iraq Afghanistan Challenges: Short of Agricultural land. Use oil revenues to upgrade infrastructure. Turkey is the only country in the region that produces iron and it is harnessing hydroelectric resources to boost agricultural (cotton) production. Straddling two continents, Turkey is well-placed for trade. The governments of Iran have wavered between development strategies and no-change strategies. The current government is supporting growth and diversification, though the damages caused by the Iran Iraq War of the 1980s continue to hinder recovery. After the 1st Gulf War, Iraq faced economic sanctions, hurting the Iraqi population through lack of food and medical supplies. Afghanistan is even worse off. Years of civil war, followed by US invasion, have disrupted what was a not very strong economy to begin with. Possibly the poorest nation in the world. How does internal conflict affect economic performance?

8 Modern and Traditional Life
Fundamentalists vs. Modernists Afghanistan Others Within each country, the conflict between modernizers and traditionalists is a central struggle. In Afghanistan, the Taliban have been overthrown; however, they continue to fight against the modernizing if the Karzai government. Fundamentalist movements exist in the other countries as well, but remain smaller. Still they have created period of conflict.

9 The Countries of the Northeast are Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq and...
a. Iran b. Kuwait c. Oman d. Israel

10 The stateless nation of people that forms an important minority in at least three of these countries are the... a. Arabs b. Hittites c. Kurds d. Israelis

11 The name of the Islamic fundamentalist group that controlled Afghanistan and is currently giving the US fits as it tries to reestablish power is... a. the Taliban b. the Kurds c. the Shi’ites d. the Turks

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