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Overview of technological advancements in processing efficiency, and the application of forestry biomass for bioenergy Marko Nokkala Key Account Manager,

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of technological advancements in processing efficiency, and the application of forestry biomass for bioenergy Marko Nokkala Key Account Manager,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of technological advancements in processing efficiency, and the application of forestry biomass for bioenergy Marko Nokkala Key Account Manager, Bioenergy and Biofuels Solutions for Natural Resources and Environment VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LTD

2 Outline VTT in brief Relevance of bioeconomy
Thermochemical conversion of biomass Final remarks

3 Finland celebrates it’s 100 years of independence in 2017!
VTT in brief VTT in brief Interleaf option 1: Use interleaf if you want to separate sections in your presentation You can use interleaf with one or two photos or without photos Finland celebrates it’s 100 years of independence in 2017!


5 Evolution of bioeconomy activities at VTT
Renewal of forest sector, Advanced biofuels, Native bio-polymers, Bark concepts, White biotechnology Catalysis, Enzymes and fibres, Catalytic antibodies, Syngas cleaning, Methane activation Chemical Reaction Mechanisms Clean World Technology Theme Biorefinery Technology Theme Industrial Biomaterials Green Soln.s for Water &Waste Bioeconomy Transformation 1993 - 1996 2002 2006 2008 2009 2012 2010 2013 - …. Green technologies, Internal networking & building cross-lab entities Beyond biofuels, Bio-materials for packaging, Appliances and building Water technology, Smart environmental technologies, Value from waste Plant based foods, Novel web-based fibre products, Bio-based performance chemicals, Packaging materials and products, Biofuels and energy Industrial biotechnology Biomass processing Biomass enzymology Cereal technology Fibre and composite technologies Thermochemical conversions VTT scientific & technological strengths

6 Biomass viewed through lenses Different perspective on the raw material

7 Relevance of Bioeconomy
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8 Source_ Lauri Hetemäki

9 Turnover in the EU bioeconomy (EU28, 2013) Total: 2.1 trillion €

10 National Bioeconomy strategy of Finland: Vision and strategic goals
Turnover €60 bn Share of employment 13 % Share of exports 26 % Finland seeks to increase its bioeconomy output to 100bn euros by 2025 and to create 100,000 new jobs in the process. Bioeconomy combines wood processing, chemistry, energy, construction, technology, food and health. About half of Finland’s bioeconomy consists of forest bioeconomy. Share of energy ¨40 % 1. A COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT 2. NEW BUSINESS 3. A STRONG KNOW-HOW 4. USABILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF BIOMASS Strategic goals Implementation and monitoring Sustainable bioeconomy solutions are the basis of Finland’s welfare and competitiveness Finland is a global leader in bioeconomy – especially in forest-based solutions, bioenergy and solutions for wellbeing. Finland is already offering the world sustainable bioeconomy know-how and products. We’ve developed expertise, technologies and smart solutions that aren’t found anywhere else. Besides timber products and paper, we use forest biomass in fibres, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, functional foods, plastic materials, cosmetics, intelligent packaging, biofuels and more.

11 Thermochemical conversion
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12 VTT’s biomass thermochemical conversion platform
Wastes Residues Biomass Straw Combustion Gasification Pyrolysis Power (electricity) Heat & cooling Gasoline Diesel Jet fuel Chemicals Bio-aromatics Intermediates Recovery of materials

13 VTT Bioruukki Pilot Centre - Value from integration
BIOMASS WASTE SIDE STREAMS INNOVATIVE PROCESSES, VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS & SERVICES BIORUUKKI Innovative biomass processing Renewable energy solutions New routes to biobased chemicals Recycling concepts Critical infrastructure demonstrator for bio and circular economy innovations Total investment ~25 M€

14 Types of processing to increase value added
Drying Grinding Pulverisation Pelletizing Torrefaction Aim is to achieve greater efficiency in utilisation and in transport

15 A Forest Biorefinery Domsjö- Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
Steam, electricity & district heating Development and new products in the up-and-running forest biorefinery in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden Hans Grundberg Process Engineering R & D Ethanol products fuels chemicals Extractives Cellulose derivatives CO2 Ethanol Speciality cellulose Ett tidigt svenskt exempel, en testplats, många internationella besök, spännande nya tekniker på gång! Som ni kommer att få höra med om under konferensen Energy Ligno-sulfonate Biogas Courtesy of Gil Garnier, Monash University 15

16 Taking the business ecosystem to the next level - Metsä Fibre
REGION OUTER BOUNDARY The business ecosystem is already there Global trends enables further development of this ecosystem (i.e. growth of the bioeconomy) A healthy business ecosystem comprises both large companies, as well as SMEs An ecosystem creates competitiveness on global scale TALL OIL UPGRADING ÄÄNEKOSKI INDUSTRY PARK CITY BioenergY NEAR INDUSTRY CO2 USE CELLULOSE DERIVATIVES Forest management Source: Metsä Fibre


18 Biochemicals from Sawdust (approx. $10 / ton in 2013)
Catalyst, 400oC, 0.1 atm, sec CELLULOSE LEVOGLUCOSENONE []D o >98% purity (H1 nmr) Yield >10% $5,000,000/t

19 Concluding remarks Forest biomass offers great opportunities for high-efficiency energy generation Plants could and should be energy self-sufficient Careful consideration of utilisation of forest residues and ash required For woody biomass, best technologies globally are being manufactured in Finland Final choice of technology depends on type of biomass and desired output VTT can assist you in finding the right technology for your project

20 TECHNOLOGY FOR BUSINESS Contact: marko. nokkala@vtt. fi Tel
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