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Active & Passive Verb Rules

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1 Active & Passive Verb Rules
Write Source 716, 722

2 716.1 Action Verbs: Transitive & Intransitive
Transitive Verbs: an action verb that needs an object to complete its meaning. The city council passed a strict noise ordinance. Intransitive Verbs: communicates an action that is complete in itself. It does not need an object to receive the action. The boy flew on his skateboard. Note: Some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive depending on how it is used. He finally stopped to rest. (intransitive) He finally stopped the show. (transitive)

3 722.2 Voice of a Verb Voice: indicates whether the subject is acting or being acted upon. Active Voice: indicates that the subject of the verb is, has been, or will be doing something. For many years Lou Brock held the base-stealing record. Passive Voice: indicates that the subject of the verb is, has been, or will be acted upon. For many years the base-stealing record was held by Lou Brock. Note: with a passive voice, the person or thing creating the action is not always stated. The ordinance was overturned. (Who did the overturning?)

4 722.2 Voice of a Verb Active Voice Passive Voice Tense Singular Plural
Present I see, you see, he/she/it sees We see, you see, they see I am seen, you are seen, he/she/it is seen We are seen, you are seen, they are seen Past I/he saw, you saw We/they saw, you saw I/it was seen, you were seen We/they were seen, you were seen Future I/you/he will see We/you/they will see I/you/it will be seen We/you/they will be seen

5 Examples: Active or Passive?
Lots of things can be done on the Internet. Most people send more than paper mail. Web sites include official government postings, information, and forms. Free on-line editions have been offered by many newspapers. Radio stations are playing music on the internet.

6 Examples: Active or Passive?
Passive Lots of things can be done on the Internet. Active Most people send more than paper mail. Active Web sites include official government postings, information, and forms. Passive Free on-line editions have been offered by many newspapers. Active Radio stations are playing music on the internet.

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