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English 10 March 1 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 March 1 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 10 March

2 Shape of the day Writing Strategies Exercise (15 – 20 minutes)
Pre-write: forgiveness or vengeance? Norway vs. USA (30 minutes) Zero-tolerance vs. Restorative Justice (20 minutes)

3 Eliminating Wordiness
If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter. Blaise Pascal

4 Eliminating wordiness
Getting rid of passive voice Repetition Wordiness in general

5 Eliminating wordiness
A passive voice is not “bad”. But too much of it can be confusing. Getting rid of passive voice Repetition Wordiness in general

6 Eliminating wordiness
Getting rid of passive voice Repetition Wordiness in general

7 Eliminating wordiness
Getting rid of passive voice Repetition Wordiness in general

8 Inquiry Question of the Day
Is forgiveness or vengeance more effective for resolving conflict?

9 Halden Prison, Norway

10 USA

11 Which country do you think has a higher incarceration rate?
5 minute write Which country do you think has a higher incarceration rate? Which country has a higher re-offending rate? Why?

12 Statistics USA Norway 700 / 100,000 75/ 100, 000 Incarceration Rate
Re-offending Rate 28 % 25 %

13 Who benefits from forgiveness? Who is hurt by vengeance?

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