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Letter Your address Date Their address Yours faithfully, Name

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Presentation on theme: "Letter Your address Date Their address Yours faithfully, Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Letter Your address Date Their address Yours faithfully, Name
Dear Sir/Madam, INTRO - I have recently found out that The National Lottery are giving one school in the area money for school improvements. In this letter I will discuss the reasons why my school deserves to be chosen. POINT Ono point per paragraph – NO COMPUTERS (4-5 SENTENCES) POINT NO SPORTS HALL (4-5 SENTENCES) POINT TINY CANTEEN (4-5 SENTENCES) POINT WHY MY SCHOOL IS SO GREAT (4-5 SENTENCES) Show other side/Action What do you want to happen from this letter? Yours faithfully, Name

2 Not all in one!!! Paragraph 1 - No computers
Paragraph 2 - No sports hall Paragraph 3 - Tiny canteen Paragraph 4 - Why MY school is great Not all in one!!!

3 Letter Addresses – capital letters One point per paragraph
Yours faithfully if you don’t know name. DAFOREST

4 Beautiful Bournemouth is the best!
There are a million of fantastic places that offer a good day out in England. The town that gets my vote is Bournemouth. In this article I will tell you why. Golden sandy beaches! /5 sentences Fantastic nightlife! /5 sentences Lots of hot air! /5 sentences Super shopping! /5 sentences End on a catch sentence on why readers should go Article

5 Article Title and sub-headings Trying to persuade reader Use DAFOREST
Make it interesting


7 Mighty Max! Plot/Story – Do not give the end away!
Mad Max is one of the biggest and best films of In this review I will discuss the memorable parts in the movie and why it is one of the best of all time! Plot/Story – Do not give the end away! The best bits! 4 paragraphs on the best parts of the film Acting Music Best scenes Special effects Costume The worst bits! 1 paragraph on the worst part End with a few sentences on whether they should go and see it

8 Review Your own opinion Headings and sub-headings Use DAFOREST
Give stars

9 Good afternoon everyone!
We all love a good party don’t we guys? We are planning a show to put on at the end of the year and we need you all to get involved. POINT IT WILL BE FUN! (4/5 SENTENCES) POINT GOOD FOR THE CV! (4/5 SENTENCES) POINT We need you to decide where to go! (4/5 SENTENCES) POINT IT WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER! (4/5 SENTENCES) End on something catchy and memorable

10 Speech Talk to the audience Use DAFOREST Make it interesting
No titles or sub-headings

11 College Report How lunch time is organised
In this report I will look at student’ views on arrangements for lunch and the food available for students. I will discuss how lunchtime is organised, the range of food and drink available and suggestions for improvements. How lunch time is organised Problems – 90% believe lunchtime is too early. It seems obvious… Range of food and drink available Problems – Survey results there is not enough options for students. For example, vegetarians… Students’ views on arrangements Problems – Suggestions for improvements Go through each topic and say how it could be improved.

12 Writing Checklist No sentences more than 2 lines in length
Vary sentence openings – use “Firstly” or “Frustratingly, I had to wait for service.” Plan both documents (with DAFOREST) 1&½ pages to 2 pages in length Addresses with capital letters Interesting opening (not “I am writing…” At least 4 paragraphs with at least 3 sentences in each Speech – talk to the audience Create facts & statistics PROOF READ for apostrophes & there/their & they’re

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