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The Unification of European Nations

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1 The Unification of European Nations
Nationalism The Unification of European Nations

2 Nationalism Nationalism is defined as pride in one’s country
Strong feelings for one’s country. People who share a common language, history heritage. Nationalism causes people to join together

3 Nationalism 6 bonds that unify a people common religion
common language common ethnicity or ancestry common history common land common culture

4 Nationalism Good Bad Can work to bring people together.
Give people a common goal. Pride or loyalty to one’s country. Bad Can pull countries apart. Can cause revolts and wars within the country. Extreme nationalism can cause world wars because one country feels it is better then another.

5 Nationalism Nation-state
When the nation has it’s own independent government.

6 Nationalism Nationalism can be like a bomb and split nations apart
Russia Ottoman Empire Austro-Hungarian These nations/empires controlled vast numbers of different ethnic groups who wanted self government.

7 Nationalism Nationalism can be like a magnet and bring people together to create nation-states. Places like Germany

8 German Nationalism

9 Germany and Nationalism
Most Germans lived in small states to which they felt loyalty. The German region had not been unified since the decline of Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire Nationalist called for a unified Germany.

10 Germany and Nationalism
The Rise of Prussia Prussia establishes itself as the strongest of the German states. Bismarck is appointed Chancellor of Prussia Prussia wanted to unify the German regions into a powerful nation-state to compete against other European nations

11 Germany and Nationalism
Otto von Bismarck Strong political leader Did not believe in nationalism but saw unification as a way to make the King of Prussia the King of Germany.

12 Germany and Nationalism
Realpolitik Bismarck’s idea of politics. Means “the politics of reality” Tough power politics with no room for ideals No friends, don’t trust anyone.

13 Germany and Nationalism
Blood and Iron Bismarck believed that the only way to unify Germany was through “blood and iron” or war. In 7 years Prussia fought 3 wars

14 Franco-Prussian War Franco-Prussian War 1870
Used nationalism and hatred against France and Napoleon to invade France. Bismarck and the Prussian formed an alliance with the Catholic states along the French boarder to stop French aggression In 1870 Bismarck provokes a war with France and France declares war on Prussia The Catholic states now become unified under Prussia in a effort to fight the war By 1871 the Prussian win the war Prussia gains land from France. Germany is unified

15 Germany and Nationalism
In 1871 the German states unite under the Prussian King William I. William calls himself Kaiser which means emperor.

16 Results of German Nationalism
Germany quickly industrialized and became a world power Germany quickly developed a strong army and navy Germany further began to colonize in Africa and Asia By 1888 Bismarck was out favor with the socialist In 1890 William II dismissed Bismarck By 1914 Germany felt it was strong enough to handle any European power.

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