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The Great War Begins.

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1 The Great War Begins



4 M.A.I.N. Causes Militarism
Building of large armies, stockpiling weapons, glorification of military Ex: Anglo-German naval arms race Creates sense of confidence in power, desire to use military

5 M.A.I.N. Causes Alliance System System of agreements for defense
Small conflicts become big ones, pull other countries in


7 M.A.I.N. Causes Alliance System Bismarck’s Alliances (Germany)
System of agreements for defense Small conflicts become big ones, pull other countries in Bismarck’s Alliances (Germany) Allies with Austria-Hungary, Italy creating the “Triple Alliance” Alliance with Russia isolates France, avoids 2 front war Kaiser Wilhelm II fires Bismarck, doesn’t renew alliance with Russia Russia allies with France, Britain promises not to fight them creating the “Triple Entente”


9 M.A.I.N. Causes Imperialism
Race for empire creates competition between European countries Industrialization creates competition German surpasses British industry


11 M.A.I.N. Causes Nationalism Devotion to one’s country or people
Can unify nations or break apart empires “The Balkans Powder Keg”



14 M.A.I.N. Causes Nationalism Devotion to one’s country or people
Can unify nations or break apart empires B. “The Balkans Powder Keg” 1. Austria-Hungary controls land lost by Ottoman Empire 2. Slavic peoples in those places resent Austrian rule, desire Slavic nation “Pan-Slavism” a. Based in Serbia, Promoted by Russia

15 Immediate Cause The Assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand 6/28/1914 in Sarajevo Shot by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian (Slavic) nationalist A Member of “The Black Hand,” Slavic nationalist group desiring independence

16 Road to War Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
Austria-Hungary demands to enter Serbia to investigate Serbia Refuses with promised support from Russia Germany gives A-H a “Blank Check” Austria declares war on Serbia 7/28/14 Russia mobilizes troops Germany declares war on Russia, then France


18 Schlieffen Plan

19 Germany asks to pass through Belgium to attack France, Belgium refuses
Germany goes anyway, drawing Britain into war Germany slows, fights on two fronts Italy switches sides

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