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German Empire Under Bismarck ( )

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1 German Empire Under Bismarck (1871-1890)

2 General Government Structure
Kaiser held executive authority Reichstag represent the volk Lower house Bundesrat represent the German states Upper house Chancellor head of legislature

3 Political Parties Conservatives (Junkers)
Nationalists (middle-class): support Bismarck until 1878 Center or Catholic Party: support Particularism (regional priorities) Bismarck tried to limit Catholic Party due to Papal Infallibility belief

4 SPD: Social Democratic Party (Marxists): want sweeping changes and genuine democracy
Desire demilitarization Bismarck tried SPD to eliminate but failed

5 Chancellor Bismarck’s Reforms
Unified monetary system Established Imperial Bank Universal civil and criminal codes Compulsory Military service Domestic tariff

6 Child Labor regulations Social Security Laws
National sickness and accident laws Old-age pensions and retirement benefits

7 Dropping of the Pilot New Kaiser (William II) disapprove of Bismarck’s attempt to outlaw SPD Bismarck forced to resign in 1890

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