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Casus Belli.

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1 Casus Belli

2 1871 Alliance system Nationalism Arms Race Sarajevo “The lights are going out”

3 1871

4 Europe in 1871 The world was a much better place in 1871
Capitalism had created abundant affluence La belle époque (the golden age) International law ensured everyone had rights and they were respected by others But there was a serious gap between reality and theory –the Great Powers dominated - Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, Italy, France They were spokesmen for the Concert of Europe

5 Peace and stability was based on the balance of power
An attack against one was an attack against all Liberal ideals were being replaced by more conservative thoughts Western Europe was considered solidified national units The unification of Germany had involved 3 wars and humiliated France France lost the Franco-Prussian war and also Alsace and Lorraine


7 The Alsace-Lorraine Problem
Alsace had been part of the HRE but had been French for over 200 years Lorraine was wholly French in population The Germans hoped the French would accept the loss they were wrong! A modern Europe required a German state, but which lands would that involve? Nowhere did political frontiers match lines of nationality Gladstone supported every countries’ claim to independence Yet eastern Europe was a quilt of countries wanting independence


9 Eastern Europe Rumania had been created in 1871 and had been ruled by the Turks, Germans, and Austrians Poland was a bigger issue because it lay in the borders of 3 other countries – Prussia, Austria, and Russia Bismarck had supported Russia repression of the Poles in exchange for Russian neutrality in the Franco-Prussian War 1870 There where 4 great empires in eastern Europe: Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey (Ottoman)

10 The Balkans There were also 4 independent countries:
Serbia, Montenegro, Rumania, Greece They all shared 2 traits: a) hatred of the Turks b) the ability to be friends with Great Powers

11 Austria Austria had an empire but it wasn’t a nation – it was entirely comprised of minorities 1860 Austria was defeated by the French 1866 Austria was defeated by the Germans By 1867 Austria was neither a German nor Italian power but it had millions of both In 1867 Austria-Hungary was created – 2 countries – 1 ruler, hence the Dual Monarchy Hungary was ruled by the Magyars, very pro-German and anti-Slav and anti-Russian


13 European Beliefs in the Early 20th Century
Nobody could afford a war There would be no winner The growth of pacifism -war was a thing of the past - we were civilized. Europe had seen almost 100 years of peace (1871 minor war) It would be the localized Third Balkan War that would become World War I

14 Business prevented any island from being isolated
Foreign investment was large in every country Better communication, cheap newspapers Better educated people would prevent war Even victory would be expensive Ivan Bloch - The Future of War Norman Angell The Great Illusion (1910) won the Nobel Prize The problem was that there was no means for negotiating peace

15 European Countries Controlled the World
Germany - won the Franco-Prussian war, gained Alsace and Lorraine, wanted to isolate France, economic stability, led by the Iron Chancellor Bismarck, little interest in colonialism, unified. France - lost Alsace and Lorraine, weak military, imperialistic in Asia and Africa. Great Britain - “splendid isolation”, colonial conflicts with France and Russia

16 Austria - wanted to limit Slavic nationalism on southern border and hostile nationalism within the borders Russia - very imperialistic throughout the century – but overland: in the Balkans; disputes with Austria over Slavs; Ottomans; Japanese Italy - interest in North Africa led to disputes with France. The Balkans - a politically unstable region comprised of many ethnic groups. Mostly Christian. United States - not involved in global affairs

17 Alliances

18 The Russo-Turkish War 1877-8
Bulgaria revolted against Ottoman Empire (Turks) “sick man of Europe” Turks slaughter thousands of Slavs Serbia and Montenegro declared war on Ottomans Russia declares herself protector of the Slavs Ends with the Treaty of San Stafano

19 Treaty of San Stefano Increased Russian power in the Balkans and threatened the Austrians At the Congress of Berlin (1878) Bismarck(Honest Broker) created: Independence for: Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania Austria received the right to administer Bosnia and Herzegovina Russia wishes to dominate a new Bulgaria (windows to the west) and gains land in the Caucuses


21 The Driekaiserbund 1879 Germany and Austria signed the Dual Alliance - which remained in place for almost 40 years The Three Emperors’ League created by Bismarck to keep Austria and Russia at peace Germany - Kaiser Wilhelm II Austria - Emperor Francis Joseph Russia - Tsar Alexander

22 1881 Driekaiserbund was revived: a) Acknowledged Russia had interest in Bulgaria b) Austria had interest in Bosnia- Herzegovenia c) promised neutrality if anyone was attacked by a fourth power

23 Birth of the Triple Alliance
1881 France makes Tunisia a protectorate Italy seeks allies 1882 Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria, Italy a) both would help Italy if Italy attacked by France b) Italy would help Germany if France attacked c) the treaty did not apply to Britain Germany has treaties with Austria, Italy, Russia, and on good terms with Great Britain

24 End of Driekaiserbund 1883 Austria and Rumania (later Germany added)
1887 Driekaiserbund not renewed because of problems between Austria and Russia 1887 Germany -Russia sign Reinsurance Treaty a) extremely secretive b) in the event of war both would stay neutral except: if Austria is attacked by Russia or France is attacked by Germany c) Germany promised to promote Russian goals in the Balkans

25 Reinsurance Treaty (1887) Russia dissolved Three Emperors’ Treaty because of tensions in the Balkans Signs new treaty with Germany - both stay neutral unless: Germany attacks France or Russia attacks Austria 1890 Bismarck is dismissed France signs a military alliance with Russia – aimed at Britain in the Med.

26 British-German Tension
1896 Kaiser William sent a telegram to Transvaal President Kruger offering support Germany also starts to increase naval power The Fashoda Crisis forced France to reevaluate their foreign policy 1902 Britain signs the Anglo-Japanese Alliance 1904 Anglo-French Entente Britain recognizes French claims to Morocco France recognizes British claims to Egypt 1900 German prestige had deteriorated drastically “Weltmacht” (world power) Germany wanted to be an equal of Britain and France

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