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WORLD WAR I 11.1 Notes.

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1 WORLD WAR I 11.1 Notes

2 M.A.I.N. Causes of the War Militarism
“Policy of aggressively building up one’s army in preparation for war” Early 1900’s – diplomacy replaced by militarism Building up armed forces Shift in authority to military Endless planning for war = war more likely

3 Alliances “Complicated system of pacts developed among European nations during late 1800s” Bound Great Euro powers together Aid each other if attacked Designed to boost national security Provided sense of balanced power

4 Pre-Existing Alliances
Triple Alliance Austria-Hungary Germany Italy Triple Entente United Kingdom France Russia


6 Imperialism “Policy of a stronger nation to create an empire by dominating weaker nations economically, politically, culturally or militarily” Great scramble for colonies – late 1800s Competition for remaining un-colonized areas – Russia & China Intensified rivalries within Europe

7 Nationalism “Devotion to one’s nation” Two kinds of nationalism
Tendency for countries to act in their own national interest. War could result if actions were taken against another country Countries w/ diverse populations Ethnic minorities begin to desire independence which often leads to violence

8 Alsace-Lorraine France seething over loss of territory
Germany acquired it after Franco-Prussian War, 1871 Otto Von Bismarck opposed it b/c knew it would provoke hatred toward Germany

9 Assassination Leads to War
Leading Euro powers interested in Balkan Peninsula Russia – access to Mediterranean Sea Germany – rail link to Ottoman Empire Ethnic rivalry in Balkans Area known as the “powder keg” Austria- Hungary controlled Bosnia


11 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
visits Sarajevo, Bosnia Heir to Austria-Hungary throne Royal entourage drove through city Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand and wife Sophie - Member of Black Hand - Serbian nationalist group Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia - Supposed to be short - Sets off system of alliances


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