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The Renaissance North and South.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance North and South."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance North and South

2 Basic Ideas Meaning of Renaissance Humanism Time line Locations
Giorgio Vasari French historians Humanism Study of Classical texts and art Petrarch Vernacular Time line Locations Italy Northern Europe

3 The Italian States

4 Renaissance Italy Not unified Public service
Autocratic Rulers and political intrigue Medicis Niccolo Machiavelli Alexander VI Julius II Trade with the East Sumptuary laws

5 Art & Culture “From artisan to artist”
Linear perspective and vanishing point Classical influence Spiritual essence Realism Political writings The Prince Idea of the “Renaissance Man”

6 Northern Europe

7 Northern Europe Everywhere that isn’t Italy
France Flanders (Modern-day Belgium) England Holy Roman Empire Ruled by kings, emperors, and dukes

8 Northern Humanists Scholarly Believed in the vernacular
“Christian humanists” Christianity in history Desiderius Erasmus Thomas More Reuchlin (Studied Judaism) Gutenberg and the printing press Upper and lower case letters

9 Northern Art Centered in Flanders Painted with oil, not tempera
Studied in Italy Painted with oil, not tempera More religious Ordinary subjects Realism Portraits

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