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The Unification of Italy and Germany

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1 The Unification of Italy and Germany
Nationalism in Europe

2 What is Nationalism? Define the following terms a. Country b. Nation
c. Nationalism d. Patriotism Give two examples of each of the above How are they different?

3 Italy comes Together The Italian people were broken up into many different territories and states. These states were controlled by France, Austria, and the Pope. Italian people wanted to unify to form a country of their own. They wanted freedom.

4 Who will lead? Giuseppi Mazzini= An Italian nationalist who led a rebellion against the Austirans and French. His efforts failed because the Pope refused to support a war against Catholic Austria.


6 The Kingdom of Piedmont
Count di Cavour Prime Minister Organized an allaince with France to make war on Austria. Once the war was over, Austria would lose control over its part of Italy Victor Emmanuel II Supports war to slowly unify Italian regions.

7 Cavour and Victor Emmanuel II

8 Giuseppi Garibaldi Leads an army of volunteers= Red Shirts
His army invades Southern Italy and Sicily He captures both and gives them to Victor Emmanuel II in 1860 Italy is almost complete The Pope continues to control Rome and Venice is still controlled by Austria However, by 1871, these lands will join Italy

9 http://www. brasilmacom. com

10 The Growth of Italy Note= Kingdom of Piedmont also known as Kingdom of Sardinia

11 The Quest for German Unification
In 1860, the German people were governed by a variety of states and countries. The Kingdom of Prussia was the largest German state. Prussia’s king William I wanted to unify Germans by force. To do so would mean making war on France, Austria, and many others


13 Otto Von Bismarck An old soldier who believed in war and industry
He supported unification to build a powerful state He invented a political idea called “realpolitik” = the right of a nation to pursue its own interests by any means, including war “Blood and Iron”= use war and industry to create Germany


15 Otto Von Bismarck

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