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GAME TIME Creating a Game

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Presentation on theme: "GAME TIME Creating a Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 GAME TIME Creating a Game

2 What questions need to be answered?

3 How many students will be playing?
What is the time limit to play? What equipment is available? How much space do we have?

4 What makes a good game?

5 As much activity as possible
Use of strategy Clear winner or no winner Clear ending or continuous game Adaptable for students that need it easier or want an extra challenge No elimination – or strategy to get back in.

6 Bringing Board Games or Video Games to life?

7 Games I have seen… Hungry hippos Clash of Clans, Super Mario Bro’s
Candy Land Duck hunter

8 Simulating real life activities

9 Examples Zip Lining – student were on scooters and pulled themselves across the gym on student supported ropes Fire Crew activities: building a vertical fire tower out of PVC pipes. Triathlons with a creative self-resetting obstacle course.

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