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Mr. Paul Ms. Novak Mr. Galli Ms. Miller Mrs. DeJarnette.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Paul Ms. Novak Mr. Galli Ms. Miller Mrs. DeJarnette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Paul Ms. Novak Mr. Galli Ms. Miller Mrs. DeJarnette

2 surprised confused excited scared worried

3 building with Legos watching a movie surfing playing video games feeding goats

4 Rihanna Meghan Trainor Ellie Goulding Ariana Grande Kanye West

5 New Years Eve Groundhog Day St. Patrick’s Day Black Friday the 4th of July

6 San Francisco New Orleans Jamaica Disney World Las Vegas

7 police station movie theater McDonalds Best Buy campground

8 superhero capes life jackets prom dresses 80’s rock wigs suspenders

9 doing jumping jacks playing harmonicas eating ice cream rapping hopping on one foot

10 to win a trophy to make people jealous to get attention to make new friends to get others to join

11 (E – Mrs. DeJarnette) (A – surprised) (D – playing video games) (B – Meghan Trainor)
(D – Black Friday) (C – Jamaica) (C – McDonalds) (E – suspenders) (B – playing harmonicas) (A – to win a trophy)

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