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Verb Phrases.

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1 Verb Phrases

2 Verbs Dictionary has 3 forms (principal parts)
Base Past tense Past participle Can be regular and irregular Past & Past Participle same for regular verbs Take the inflectional –ed ending

3 Present Participle (-ing)
Regular vs. Irregular Laugh Base Eat Laughs 3rd Singular Eats Laughed Past (-ed) Ate Past Participle (-en) Eaten Laughing Present Participle (-ing) Eating

4 Verb Forms Verbs have 5 forms Exception: “be” 8 forms
Be, am, are, is, was, were, been, being

5 A verb is a word that can be used in present and past tense; It has both an –s form and an –ing form

6 Verb Phrases Headword: verb Types of Verbs
Transitive: require at least one complement, the direct object, to be complete Intransitive: do not require a complement to be complete Includes adverbials Any structure that modifies a verb

7 Adjectives Modify nouns Comparative degree: -er or “more + ADJ”
Superlative: +est or “most + ADJ”

8 Adverb Modifies verbs Contributes information of time, place, reason, and manner Can be qualified Very Rather Recognized by derivational endings ly wise ward

9 Tests Adverb & Adjective Adjective Test Adverb Test
Patterns with qualifier Very beautiful Very quickly Differentiates between other two form classes Adjective Test Adverb Test

10 Adjective Test The __________ NOUN is very ___________.
The diligent student is very diligent. The tall girl is very tall. Only test that will certainly tell you if a word is an adjective

11 Adverb Test Adjective + ly = Adverb
Quick + ly = Quickly Pleasant + ly = Pleasantly In addition of “Adverbs of Manner”… Then Now Soon Here There Afterwards Often

12 Sentence Patterns Picture a sentence as a series of slots 10 Patterns
Grouped by type Be patterns Linking verb patterns Intransitive verb patterns Transitive verb patterns

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