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Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West

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1 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West
Chapter 8 Pg. 244

2 Latin American Peoples Win Independence
8.1 Pg 247

3 Colonial Society Peninsulares - People born in Spain
Could hold high offices Creoles - Spaniards born in Latin America Could not hold high-level offices Could rise to military officers Mestizos - People of mixed European & Indian Ancestry Mulattos - People of mixed European & African

4 Revolutions Revolution in Haiti 500,000 enslaved Africans
Terror used to keep them inline August 1791 100,000 Africans revolt Toussaint L’Ouverture Taken & imprisoned until 1803 Jean-Jacques Dessalines Declared independence Haiti - Mountainous Land

5 Creoles Least oppressed in Latin America
Rebellions break out after Napoleon Appoints King 2 Generals Simon Bolivar Jose De San Martin

6 Mexico 1810 Miquel Hidalgo 80,000 men join Jose Maria Morelos 1820
Creoles Join revolutionary Forces 1821 States declare independence from Spain

7 Brazil Napoleon invades Portugal Royal Family flees to Brazil
1815 Royal family returns to Portugal 1822 Brazil asks Don Pedro to rule He accepts Bloodless revolution

8 Europe Faces Revolutions
Pg. 253

9 Philosophies Conservative - Wealthy, property owners, nobility
Liberal- Middle-class business leaders and merchants Radical-Wanted democracy to all people

10 Nationalism Develops Nationalism - belief that people’s greatest loyalty should be to the nation of common culture & history

11 Challenge Conservative Power
Greece Part of the Ottoman Empire Rebel in 1821 Won the side of Europe Nations Russia, French, Britain guarantee Kingdom of Greece

12 1830 Congress of Vienna breaking down Dutch, Italy, Poland
Order restored but not for long

13 France 1830 King Charles X tried absolute monarchy
Louis-Philippe takes power 1848 Louis Falls out of power Paris mob establishes republic Government falls apart instantly Moderate constitution drawn up

14 France Cont. Dec. 1848 Louis-Napoleon wins election
4 years later Emperor Napoleon III Encouraged industrialization Public works decreases unemployment

15 Russia 1820 Russian believe serfdom must end
Tzar reluctant to free them 1853 Russia tries to conquer Ottoman Empire in Crimean War Lost because of industries & transportation Alexander II moves towards Modernization

16 Russia Reform 1861 Serfs set free Peasants receive 50% of farmland
Nobles keep 50% Gov’t paid for land Serfs had 49 years to pay it off Alexander III encouraged industrial development

17 Nationalism 8.3 Pg. 258

18 Nationalism & Empires Austrian, Russian & Ottoman Empire
Prussia gains 21 political German states Austria breaks up into Austria & Hungary….Austrio-Hungarian Empire

19 Russia Tzar ruled Russians, 22 mil. Ukrainians, 8 mil. Poles among others Russification - forcing Russian culture on other ethnic groups Strengthened Nationalistic feelings Broke up in 1917

20 Ottoman Empire Controlled Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, & Armenians 1856 gave equal citizenship to all

21 Italy Unified under Kingdom of Piedmont - Sardinia

22 Germany 1815 - 39 German states make German Confederation
Ruled by Prussia Prussia mostly German people Nationalism helped Most powerful Army

23 Germany Otto von Bismarck Prussia Prime Minister Master of realpolitik
Politics of reality Prussia attacked Denmark Won two areas in quick victory Unifies Germans & gives Nationalism

24 Germany Cont. Seven Weeks war Causes problems with 2 new territories
Austria declares war on Prussia Prussia wins in 7 weeks Annexes more German States

25 Germany Cont. Franco-Prussian War German states to the South -Catholic
Rest was Protestant Felt unification could happen if they were threatened Bismark manufactured “incident” with France France invades Prussia Army is surrounded and finally surrenders Takes Versailles - King Wilhelm I crowned kaiser (Second Reich)

26 Shift in Power 1815 - 5 major powers
Britain, France, Austria, Prussia & Russia Britain & Germany most powerful Austria & Russia Far behind France in the middle

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