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First World War.

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Presentation on theme: "First World War."— Presentation transcript:

1 First World War

2 Breakdown and reformation of alliance
1890: Wilhelm dismisses Otto von Bismarck End of Russo-German Alliance

3 Industrialization and a new alliance
Germany replaces Britain as leading industrial power France has inferiority complex Treaty with Russia

4 Relationship status: it’s complicated

5 1882 — Triple Alliance 1904: Britain Allies with France to form the Entente Cordial 1907 — Triple Entente

6 Climate of Hate State power grew Nationalism grew
State was able to raise armies of millions, not just thousands Social Darwinism

7 The Arms Race

8 “Weltpolitik” The demand for a German share in world domination German foreign policy changed to reflect this idea The masses took up the idea of weltpolitik and support it

9 Plans for War Germany knew it would have to eventually fight a war on two fronts Adopted the “Schlieffen Plan” Named after Count Alfred Von Schlieffen, chief of the German General Staff, France had to be defeated in six weeks Germany would invade France through Belgium


11 Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre
Created Plan 17 for the French He was the commander of the entire French army (1911 – 1916) Believed in the fighting spirit of the French man

12 Plan 17 After the loss of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany in 1870 France adopted a defensive strategy This changed in 1900 and the French wanted revenge, revenge, revenge They would attack Germany and re-capture what they lost

13 The French believed it was not the French way to sit and wait
They would attack, attack, attack The French would send 4/5 of their soldiers against the fortified positions in Alsace Lorraine The only tactic the French had was to use élan


15 British Plans Britain was not obligated to fight with France
But they did have plans to send a small expeditionary force to the continent if France was attacked Britain's main goal was to control the seas and provide a naval blockade of Germany

16 Short Term Causes Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Austria-Hungary declaration of war Mass mobilization

17 Bang bang – Franz is dead
JUNE 28, 1914 THE “SPARK” Serbian Independance

18 Black Hand Serbian nationalist gang Gavril Princip
Blame placed on Serbia


20 Assassination of Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) Germany vows to help Austrai-Hungary Blank cheque given (July 5-6, 1914) Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Russia defends Serbia, declares war on AH Germany declares war on Russia France declares war on Germany Germany invades France and Belgium (August 4, 1914) Britain declares war on Germany Colonies support Britain America is neutral Japan declares war on Germany Italy neutral


22 Mobilization


24 Germany attacks The Schlieffen Plan is put into effect

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