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By: Jazmin Davis and Victoria Kubler

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1 By: Jazmin Davis and Victoria Kubler
The New Jersey Colony By: Jazmin Davis and Victoria Kubler

2 Founded in: 1664 Founded by: Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. Founded for : it’s trade and profits. Founded

3 Sir George Carteret once governed the island of New Jersey near England.
The duke gave it to Sir George Carteret and John Lord Berkeley. Important People

4 Geography is: beaches, farmland, mountains, waterfalls, and lakes.
Jersey grows so many crops. Especially wheat. The climate is usually mild . Warm summers and mild winters. This climate made it suited for farming and agriculture. Economy

5 Geography and Agriculture.
Climate Geography Beaches, farmland, mountains, waterfalls, and lakes Mild in the winter and warm in the summers. This makes it suited for farming and agriculture. Geography and Agriculture.

6 Religion New Jersey was not dominated by a specific religion.
This gave them religious freedom for Quakers, Catholics, Lutherans, Jews and many others. Religion

7 Natural Resources and economy
Good farmland Timber Furs and coal Natural Resources and economy

8 Interesting Facts New Jersey ONLY has 7,790 square miles of land.
The population is up to 8,414,350 people. Exports Cattle, grain, rice, indigo dye and wheat Beef and pork as life stock Interesting Facts

9 Important Questions When was New Jersey founded?
What were the natural resources? What were the exports? What were one of the economies? Important Questions

10 http://www. google. com/imgres
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