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Cro Magnon By Claudia Leah and Grace
Discovery of cro magnon
In 1868, several prehistoric skeletons were found at a rock shelter near Dordogne France. The name of the rock shelter was Cro- Magnon. They were found by Louis Lartet and Henry Christy
Where did they live and when
They were alive between the times of 38, ,000 B.C. Cro Magnon lived in one place for a long time. The Cro Magnon were probably semi nomadic. It is theorised that the Cro- Magnon emerged from East Africa
Conditions The cro Magnons physique was rather like that of people living in warmer climates today, suggesting that perhaps they originated in warmer climates., even though they adapted to live in the cold climate that the neaderthals endured. The Cro Magnon lived during the time of the last ice ice, with climates similar to modern day Sweden
Appearance Straight limbed, tall and muscular Wide face
Prominent nose and protrusive jaw cm tall skin and hair can be guessed as medium brown to tan skin, with straight hair.
Physical features Long skulls Straight forehead
Slightly projecting brow ridge Large cranial capacity occipital bone projects backwards distinctive projection of the upper jaw strong lower jaw Prominent chin low set and square like eye sockets. nasal opening is narrow and very prominent
Dental structure parabolic 2 Small canines 4 incisors
diet Mammoth fox reindeer ice- age hors Wolf bear wolverine Hare
Many animal bones were heavily charred, indicating that they were cooked.
Communication the oral anatomy of the Cro magnon is the same as modern day humans it is believed that they could communicate through speech it is not known if the had their own language
Physical life difficult physical life infection
bones showed fused vertebrae Great injury supported and took care of each other.
Tools Used The tools used have been associated with the remains of flint, bone and antler. Many tools used as Considered to be very advanced in comparison to their ancestors
Culture buried intentially
they made cords for hafting stone tools, weaving baskets and sewing garments. It is suggested that they knew how to make woven clothing. They also constructed shelters of rocks, clay, branches and animal fur. They have also painted pictures, and they may have created a lunar calendar around 15,000 years ago.
bibligraphy R. Cedric Leonard Atlantis and Cro- Magnon man. [Online]. Available Internet: < n.p. n.d. Ancient Man and His First Civilisations. [Online]. Available Internet: < Wikipedia. 15 April Cro- Magnon. [Online]. Available Internet: < Peter Andrews and Chris Stinger Human evolution. [Online]. Available Internet: climate+like+at+the+time+of+cro+magnon&source=bl&ots=Qg0kY3TYsW&sig=b27CusKIlphpx gPOmHlpP05X5gQ&hl=en&ei=BCi9TbLNK4G8vwPCqpW7BQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&r esnum=5&ved=0CDEQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=what%20was%20the%20climate%20like%20at%20th e%20time%20of%20cro%20magnon&f=false Harun Yahya The Scenario of Human Evolution. {Online}. Available Internet:
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