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National Unification
The Crimean War Revolutions in 1848 undermined the Concert of Europe
Paved the way for mid-century Crimean War The Ottoman Empire slowly receded in power Found itself prey to continual attacks by the Russians
Only British intervention kept the Ottomans on life support
When Napoleon III got concessions from the Ottoman sultan to protect Christian minorities, the Russians demanded the same treatment The British and French encouraged the sultan to resist Russian pressure
When the war ensued, the Russian navy shattered the Ottoman fleet and moved into the Turkish provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia France and Britain demanded that the Russians evacuate the two provinces or face war Even though Russia complied, they declared war anyway
Austria’s actions were most controversial
Russia had helped Austria crush rebellion in 1849 Instead of repaying the favor, Austria exploited the Russian predicament by moving into Moldavia and Wallachia
The Crimean War was the initial modern conflict
Poor communication, strategic errors and disease cost an inordinate number of lives Florence Nightingale was the only hero of the struggle
To end the war, the combatants negotiated the Treaty of Paris
Russia agreed to demilitarize the Black Sea and halt expansion into the Balkans The Crimean War encouraged states to pursue national interests with little regard for the effects on the international order
Napoleon III considered the war a great victory and was falsely convinced of France’s strength
British leaders felt disappointed at the cost and outcome and fell into isolation Austria also isolated itself Russia was determined to continue its expansion at the first opportunity
The Unification of Italy
The Italian peninsula had lain disunited since the time of the Roman Empire The diverse city states in the late 15th and early 16th centuries lost their independence as a result of foreign invasion Since then, foreign powers dominated political life in Italy
Nationalism revived the dreams of a united Italy
Nationalists looked to the leadership of Piedmont-Sardinia and exploit the increasing tenuous position of Austria Many Italian nationalists preferred the creation of a united republic, including a takeover of the Papal States
The resurgence of Italian nationalism was fueled by two republican advocates: Guiseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi Most of the practical work for Italian unity was accomplished by Camillo di Cavour
The role of Piedmont-Sardinia
In , King Charles Albert granted his people a constitution and then attempted to unite the other Italian states in a war of liberation against Austria He abdicates in 1849, and turns power over to his son Victor Emmanuel II In 1852, he appoints Cavour prime minister
Cavour looks to modernize the Piedmontese state
He favored a realistic approach to Italian unity (realpolitik), which would require a foreign ally Cavour convinced Napoleon III of France to join Piedmont-Sardinia in a joint attack on Austria Piedmont and France defeated the Austrian army setting off revolutions in other northern Italian city states
Cavour urged Garibaldi to take advantage of the revolutionary situation brewing in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies With just over a thousand Red Shirts, he rallied the countryside to his cause and moved up the peninsula
Cavour and Victor Emmanuel met Garibaldi south of Rome and asked him to relinquish his conquest to Piedmont Sardinia Plebiscites confirmed the unification of the northern and southern halves of the peninsula March 1861, the new Italian kingdom was proclaimed and Victor Emmanuel as its first monarch
Italy completed its unification by gaining Venetia in 1866 and Rome in 1871
Though united, Italy experienced significant problems Italy often compensated aggressively seeking colonies and attempting to regain unredeemed Italian speaking territories
The Unification of Germany
Conflicts between the HRE and the papacy in the Middle Ages stymied either from unifying Germany Due to its elective nature, the emperor never became a strong absolute ruler Religious conflict further splintered German politics
The existence of two German powers – Austria and Prussia – checked either from consolidating the smaller German states into one nation Austria, under Metternich, dominated German politics after the Congress of Vienna
Following the Revolutions of 1848, Austria imposed upon Prussia the Humiliation of Olmutz where Prussia guaranteed not to word toward German unity
When William I inherited the Prussian throne, he set out to reestablish Prussia’s power
He introduced reforms in the army The Liberals in the Reichstag, who resented the conservative influence of the army, opposed the kings reforms Neither the king or the Reichstag would budge
The Work of Bismarck To solve the crisis, William turned in 1862 to Otto von Bismarck, appointing him chancellor He had gained wide diplomatic experience representing Prussia to France, Russia and the German Confederation Bismark acted as the consummate practitioner or realpolitik
Bismarck did not have a predetermined plan for brining the unification of Germany
He took advantage of opportunities as they presented to him To deal with the political crisis in Prussia, Bismarck turned the tables on the Liberals in the Reichstag, claiming they had no constitutional power to block needed reforms
When the Reichstag refused the kings taxes to implement the army reforms, Bismarck simply instructed the bureaucracy to collect the taxes anyway To unify Germany, Bismarck waged three separate wars
In 1864, the Denmark moved into two mainly German provinces
Bismarck suggested a joint approach between Austria and Prussia to win the provinces back They easily defeated their enemy in the Danish War, with both Austria and Prussia occupying the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein
This joint occupation offered opportunity for conflict between Austria and Prussia
Citing a violation of the occupation agreement, Prussia went to war with Austria In the ensuring Austro-Prussian War (or Seven Weeks War), Prussia overwhelmed the Austrians
Losing the war, Austria had to bow out of German affairs
Prussia annexed the states of northern Germany, and Bismarck created the North German Confederation The Reichstag hailed Bismarck’s achievement by retroactively approving his illegally collected taxes
The mostly Catholic German states stood outside the union
Bismarck convinced these states to join in an alliance with the North German Confederation should war break out with France When a vacancy for the Spanish caused a problem between France and Prussia, France declared war
The French were easily defeated in the Franco-Prussian War
In January 1871, Bismarck’s work was complete with the proclamation of the German Empire with William I as Kaiser Bismarck helped engineer a federal constitution, though power was still exercised in an authoritarian fashion
Government ministers reported to the Kaiser, not the Reichstag, and Bismarck effectively concentrated key positions in his own hands The new German Empire immediately upset the balance of power in Europe Its economic and military potential threatened to dwarf its neighbors
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