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La Belle Epoque [ ]: “The Beautiful Era”

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1 La Belle Epoque [1871-1914]: “The Beautiful Era”
Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY Adapted by Reiner Kolodinski Glendale HS, Glendale CA

2 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
Materialism / Consumerism Higher standard of living Development “zones” Inner Zone  Br, Fr, Ger, Belg, No. It,W. Austria Outer Zone  Ire., Iberian Pen., most of Italy, Europe east of Ger. Underdeveloped Zone  Afro-Asia

3 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
Increased European Population Increased public education literacy - Realism, Sci-Fi, Naturalism, Modernism, magazines, news Redesign / Growth of Cities - Urban / Suburban Lifestyle Migration from Europe  60 million left Europe Went to  US, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Australia/ New Zealand

4 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
6. “Second” Industrial Revolution Steam  electricity Internal combustion & diesel engines. Cars, planes, submarines. Britain  “The World’s Industrial Workshop” Corporations  limited liability of investments. Mass production… cheaper goods

5 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
7. Free Trade [esp. in England] 8. World Markets [Global Economy, Part II] 9. Advance of Democracy Extension of the vote (franchise) to the working class. Creating a “welfare state.”

6 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
10. The Appeal of Socialism By the 1880s, most socialist parties were Marxist based: Ger. & Fr. Not very successful in England. Why? Reforms gained by working class

7 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
11. Faith in Science Alone… Science at the core of industrialization. “New Wonders” of daily life. Charles Darwin (Challenged by T.H. Huxley) Origin of Species [1859], Descent of Man [1871] “survival of the fittest” + “natural selection” “Social Darwinism”  Herbert Spencer Eugenics = Race Theory… nationalist roots? Newtonian Science (fixed laws) turned on its head Einstein  “Theory of Relativity”  nature & energy were separate & distinct. Max Planck  Quantum Physics

8 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
12. Social Sciences established Professionalization of “new” sciences [anthropology, archeaology,etc.] Psychology Ivan Pavlov  conditioned responses Sigmund Freud  psychoanalysis The Interpretation of Dreams [1900] The role of the unconscious [the id, ego, super ego].

9 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
13. Social Sciences (cont’d) Sociology Max Weber Bureaucratization = reality of modern life Protestant Work Ethic.. Puritanism Emile Durkheim / Georges Sorel Collective Behavior… Society influences behavior

10 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
14. New Trends in Philosophy Agnosticism: God MAY exist, no proof Positivism: Human Development (Comte) Theological = Divine explanation Metaphysical = Natural explanation Positive = Scientifically proven Existentialism (Sören Kierkegaard) Existence is unique, unexplainable Choice + responsibility

11 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
14. Philosophy (cont’d) Nihilism: Nothing is knowable or true Friedrich Nietzsche Übermensch  “Super Man” Anti-Christian , anti-democracy Irrationality, instinct, ecstasy, heroism, strength, pride

12 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
15. Internal Religious Struggles Skepticism… Is Bible true? Modernism vs. Fundamentalism Secularism > Separation of Church / State Bismarck Kulturkampf…State over Church GB + F>> education Roman Catholic Church 1st Vatican Council (Pius IX) = papal infallibility Leo XIII = Faith + Reason > Thomas Aquinas / Rerum Novarum = marriage, education, property Islamic Resistance > Mahdism, Wahhabism

13 Characteristics of La Belle Epoch
16. Anti-Semitism Dreyfus Affair Theodore Herzl  Der Judenstaat [The Jewish State], 1896 “Father of Modern Zionism” 17. Women’s Movement Emmeline Pankhurst > Suffrage Anti-feminism = traditional, nurture (misogynism?) New Feminism: Legal / social / sexual = Josephine Butler / Auguste Ficke

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