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British rule in India Chapter 12 Section 3.

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1 British rule in India Chapter 12 Section 3

2 The reason for the British coming to rule India was because of the disunity between all of India’s religions and classes.

3 Illustration of the Sepoy rebellion
There was growing distrust of the British in 1857 A major revolt occurred, the Sepoy Mutiny Rumors the Indian’s rifles were greased with cow and pig fat Sepoys refused to load their rifles British charged them with mutiny, they publicly humiliated them, and sent them to prison. Above is an example of how the cow was sacred to the Hindus. Illustration of the Sepoy rebellion

4 Demonstration of the new British rule in India
British government directly began to rule the Indian nation Order and stability were brought to the divided states of India New schooling systems were put into place Demonstration of the new British rule in India

5 The upside to British rule was that many railroads were built.
The downside was that over 30 million Indians died from starvation British appointed many Viceroys (governors who ruled as a representative of another country) 3500 in charge of 300 million Extreme stability and effectiveness of the new government system Economy was hurt because only the British benefited During their reign extreme poverty, 30 million died from starvation

6 The Indian Nationalists were upper class citizens
They were English- educated Also trained in British Law Started well, but faced many hardships due to religious differences INC was formed (Indian National Congress) to achieve independence for any Indian Nonviolent movements were practiced, Mohandas Ghandi organized most. The Indian National Conference was formed to gain independence to all Indians no matter their social class or religion.

7 Gandhi was born in Western India in 1869 and studied to be a lawyer
He observed racial exploitation and vowed to change the treatment of others He returned to India and began to help the independence movement This is Gandhi whose goal was to have the British improve the lives of the poor so that eventually, India could gain independence.

8 -A lot of the British citizens showed disrespect for the Indian cultural history -The Taj Mahal was used for parties and weddings, a sign of disrespect -Many events like these were used to spark the cultural revival in the nineteenth century -A new national identity was found in novels and poems Rabindranath Tagore (author who dedicated his life to promoting pride in Indian culture)

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