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World Indigenous People

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1 World Indigenous People
Native Studies 20 World Indigenous People

2 Terminology Aboriginal
The decendents of the original inhabitants of North America. The Canadian Constitution recognizes THREE groups of Aboriginal people: Indians Métis Inuit These are three separate peoples with unique heritages, languages, cultural practices and spiritual beliefs

3 Indigenous used to describe any ethnic group of people who inhabit a geographic region with which they have the earliest known historical connection, alongside migrants which have populated the region and which are greater in number.

4 First Nations Refers to the Indian people in Canada, both Status and non-Status. “First Nations” is the preferred term when referring to Canada’s Indian peoples.

5 Métis The Métis are decedents of European men and Indian women.
They are a distinct nation with their own language, culture and spiritual practices

6 Inuit These are Canadian aboriginal people of the north.
They were once referred to as “Eskimo”, however they have chosen to be called “Inuit” because Eskimo translates to “eaters of raw meat” while Inuit translates to “the people”.

7 Status Indian This term refers to Indians who’s decedents signed Treaty and therefore have “Treaty Status” and recognized by the Federal government as having Treaty rights.

8 Non-Status Indian Refers to Indians who’s decedents did not sign treaty, therefore do not have “Treaty Status”

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