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Samish Indian Nation Impacts on a Coastal Community: Joint Public Advisory Committee, Commission for Environmental Council; North America’s Coast in.

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Presentation on theme: "Samish Indian Nation Impacts on a Coastal Community: Joint Public Advisory Committee, Commission for Environmental Council; North America’s Coast in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samish Indian Nation Impacts on a Coastal Community: Joint Public Advisory Committee, Commission for Environmental Council; North America’s Coast in A Changing Climate. November 6-7, 2014

2 Samish Indian Nation Traditional Territory

3 Samish History Samish and other Coast Salish People have been in this area for millennium. Then as now, their culture and identity is tied to the abundant natural resources of the Salish Sea. Samish can be translated into “The People who stand up and give.” Samish has long been known for potlatches and canoe journey hosting.

4 Plant and animal materials were and are used for sustenance, medicines, clothing, weaving and construction materials. The area of the Samish have historically been rich in all the resources needed for subsistence hunting, gathering and fishing.

5 Climate change, sea level rise and ocean acidification impacts
Reduction of eelgrass and wasting disease. Explain the web of life here. Stormwater and farms. Loss of plants for medicines.

6 Loss of A Way of Life Ceremonies, community gathering

7 We are not just working to restore, enhance and preserve the physical natural resource, we are assisting in the preservation, growth and recognition of a rich culture for future generations.

8 A Long Term View: Collaborative Conservation and Restoration
Partnerships and community

9 Challenges


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