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Jiwoo, Huiyoon, Yungi, Huiyoun

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1 Jiwoo, Huiyoon, Yungi, Huiyoun
GUPTA EMPIRE Jiwoo, Huiyoon, Yungi, Huiyoun

2 The Gupta Empire AC Gupta Empire covered most of north and central India + Bangladesh Known as one of the most peaceful and wealthy civilisations of its time There was peace and prosperity under Gupta leadership The Gupta Age one of the finest periods of Indian art, architecture, literature, and science

3 Samudragupta The ruler of the Gupta Empire (335-375 CE).
Successor to Chandragupta I who estblished the Gupta Empire. A great warrior and a patron of arts (particularly poetry and music). He was a follower of Brahmanism, but he also had high respect for other religions as well. He administered different polices for the nothern and southern part of India. By patronizing research and inventions in religious and artistic aspects, he extended the Gupta Empire, known as the Golden Age of India.

4 Gupta Culture They had strong effective governement
Trade flourished and the people prospered materially Their culture spread throughout Southeast Asia Their empire was relatively peaceful Due to this, they were very tolerant of other religions especially Buddhism Advanced in Philosophy, science, politics, mathematics and astornomy Also considered as a golden age of artistic accomplishment

5 Mathematics, Science, and Medicine
Orgins of the Arbic numbers First use and develop decimals, negative numbers, and zero Made their own theory of gravity Knew that earth was round and it rotated on it’s axis Calculated the approxiate size of the earth Free hospitals Indian Physicians gave medical services and surgical procedures Developed plastic surgeries for treatments of facial injuries

6 Gupta Art and Architecture
Considered a golden age of artistic accomplishment Artist were highly appreciated Their architecture was dedicated to building stone temples to various gods They were the first architects of purposebuilt Hindu (or Buddhist) temples which evolved from the earlier tradition of cut-rock shrines Gupta cave-shrines (cave-temple) earliest example of religious architecture exteriors decorated with relief sculpture and a single carved doorway inside the shrine, ritual sculptures were placed; walls were richly decorated with carvings (scenes from mythology) made of sandstone, granite, and brick Bhitargaon- one of the most complete surviving Gupta temples

7 Gupta Literature Gupta literatire became renowned for its advernterous and imaginative fabls and fairy tales The most common form of literatire in this empire was narratives focused primarily on human behaviors Gupta writers created poetry, folks, fables, and plays plays included comedian and drama Kalidasa- foremost Indian poet and dramatist of this period he earned the title “The Indian Shakespeare” Indian literature (stories) soon spread outside of India many foreign stories were drew upon Indian stories for ideas for their writing like authors of Grimm and Rudyard Kipling

8 The Collapse…:( During the sixth century ( period of Skandagupta’s rule) Weakened under the repeatitive attacks of the White Huns and Pushyamitras. Entered a period of political disorder. Dividied into small warring kingdoms. Nothern India fell under the invasions of Muslisms who brought influential culture and religion as strong as Hinduism. After several years, Muslim warriors established a Muslim kingdom near by Delhi.


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