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Kingdom Protista.

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1 Kingdom Protista

2 Kingdom Protista Very diverse group of organisms Hard to classify
Some are heterotrophs Some are autotrophs Most unicellular, some multicellular ALL are EUKARYOTES Have a nucleus Have membrane bound organelles

3 Kingdom Protista There are three main groups: Animal-like ( Protozoa)
Plant-like ( Algae) Fungus-like

4 Animal-like Protists Unicellular heterotrophs
Are classified by the way they move Sarcodines ( rhizopods) Ciliates Zooflagellates Sporozoans

5 Zooflagellates Move with flagella—whiplike structures

6 Zooflagellates 1, 2, or many flagella Absorb food or can be parasites
Reproduce asexually by binary fission

7 Zooflagellates Trypanosoma *causes African sleeping sickness
* carried by the tsetse fly

8 Zooflagellates Trychonympha( mutualistic) and lives in the guts of termites and helps them digest wood

9 Sarcodines Move with pseudopodia
Pseudopodia means “ false feet” and are extensions of the cytoplasm Movement is called amoeboid movement Can also be used in phagocytosis( getting food) Reproduce by binary fission

10 Sarcodines Amoeba Radiolarians Heliozoans

11 Ciliates Move by cilia—tiny hairlike projections off the cell membrane
Cilia can also be used for feeding Can be found in fresh and salt water Can have two nuclei Contractile vacuole—help pump extra water out—remember osmotic balance???

12 Ciliates Paramecium

13 Ciliates Stentor

14 Sporozoans Not able to move( no movement ) Are parasitic
Reproduce by producing spores spores are haploid reproductive cells

15 Sporozoans Plasmodium Transmitted by mosquitoes
Causes the disease Malaria

16 Plant-like Protists Also called Algae
Classified by color and structure Are autotrophs Most unicellular, some multicellular

17 Euglenophyta Common name: euglenoids Pigments: chlorophyll ( green )
Unicellular Have eyespot and pellicle Autotroph most of the time, can be a heterotroph Moves with a flagella

18 Euglena

19 Pyrrophyta Common name—dinoflagellates “Fire Algae” Unicellular
Can live in fresh and marine water Are bioluminescent Some cause algal blooms and “red tide”

20 Pyrrophyta Gymnodinium can cause red tide
The algae release toxins that poison and kill fish and shell fish and is a problem for the enviroment.

21 Chrysophyta Common name— “golden algae”
Pigments—yellow-green to golden brown Unicellular Cell walls made of pectin Asterionella

22 Bacillariophyta Common name—Diatoms Unicellular
Cells walls made of silica—can be used to make toothpaste and cosmetics Two cell walls fit together ( like a petri dish)

23 Rhodophyta Common name— “red algae”
Pigments—phycobilins, chlorophyll a Multicellular Used to make agar—used in ice creams and puddings as a thickener

24 Rhodophyta Coralline Algae Irish Moss

25 Phaeophyta Common name— “ brown algae”
Pigments—fucoxanthin, chlorophyll a & c Multicellular Largest and most complex of all algae Uses—iodine, food, and algin ( in some food products )

26 Phaeophyta Fucus Lamanaria

27 Phaeophyta Rockweed Sargassum

28 Chlorophyta Common name— “ green algae” Pigments—chlorophyll a & b
Multicellular Has cellulose in cell walls Can live in fresh or salt water Believed to be the ancestors of the Plant Kingdom

29 Chlorophyta Volvox Ulva( sea lettuce) Spirogyra Chlamydomonas

30 Fungus-like Protists Heterotrophic Decomposers Two types: Slime Molds
Water and Downy Molds

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