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Where in the leaf does it happen?

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1 Where in the leaf does it happen?
Photosynthesis Where in the leaf does it happen?


3 Photosynthesis! Plants make food by the process called photosynthesis. It is a process by which chlorophyll uses the light energy from the sun to convert CO2 & H20 into glucose & O2. Photosynthesis occurs in unique organelles of plant cells  CHLOROPLASTS! Anatomy of the Chloroplast  Let’s draw it

4 Please Label on your sheet!
Are the site of photosynthesis Found in green plants, algae & euglena Football shaped Contain green pigment Outer Membrane Inner Membrane Granum (stack of thyllakoids) Thyllakoid Stroma (fluid filled)

5 Chloroplast Anatomy  It contains:
A) Double membrane which functions to: Support the organelle (encloses it) Allow nutrients in. Allow products to flow out. B) Contains light-capturing sacs called Thyllakoids (contain CHLOROPHYLL) C) Stacks of thyllakoids Granum

6 D) Stroma – 1) liquid region granum float in 2) contain numerous enzymes needed for the reaction 3) Light independent reaction occurs here! 4) Light Independent reaction = Glucose maker!

7 The Role of Pigments in Photosynthesis!
Light is captured by PIGMENTS The pigments can ABSORB or REFLECT light Leaves appear GREEN because green light is REFLECTED to your eye. What colour is a plant at night? ROYGBIV  ROY & BIV are absorbed, G is reflected

8 Photons Photons – a packet of light energy
Each photon corresponds to a small unit of energy of a particular wavelength Photons with short wavelengths have high energy and those with long wavelengths have low energy Do Questions #1 and 2 pg. 181

9 Practice pg. 181 Name the three large groups of organisms that carry out photosynthesis. a) Define light. b) What is a photon?


11 The Role of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll absorbs photons from solar energy and begins the process of photosynthesis Chlorophyll a (blue-green) and chlorophyll b (yellow-green) are the two most common

12 Chlorophyll a is the only pigment that can transfer the energy from sunlight to the reactions of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll b acts as an accessory pigment, absorbing photons that chlorophyll a absorbs poorly or not at all. Carotenoids also act as accessory pigments Do Questions 3-4 pg. 182

13 Practice pg. 182 What is the primary light absorbing pigment in all photosynthetic organisms? What colour(s) of the spectrum is absorbed by chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b? What colour(s) is transmitted by these pigments?


15 3 Plant Pigments: A) Chlorophyll (Appears GREEN)
* Absorbs ROY & BIV, Reflect or Transmits G B) Carotene (Appears RED) * Absorbs GBIV, Reflect or Transmits ROY *** Green is the major pigment but fades in the fall to reveal the lesser pigments  red, yellow and brown (pg. 182)

16 Now What! Textbook questions: Pg. 185 #1-3

17 Questions pg. 185 a) How are the wavelength and energy of a photon related? b) Which possesses a higher energy value: red light or green light? Explain. c) How is the color of light related to its energy? Provide examples.

18 Questions pg. 185 continued. . .
2. a) What pigments are present in green leaves? Explain why yellow-coloured pigments are visible in autumn leaves but not in summer leaves. 3. What do all photosynthetic organisms have in common?

19 Label the diagram! E- single disc

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