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Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance

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Presentation on theme: "Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance
1. Define and give examples of the 5 main exceptions to Mendel’s rules.

2 What Mendel said: One gene controlling one trait
That one gene has 2 forms One gene is dominant and one gene is recessive

3 Incomplete Dominance: Occurs when the phenotype of the heterozygote is between those of the homozygotes.

4 Codominance: The heterozygote has the traits of both homozygotes.

5 Multiple Alleles: There are more than two alleles for a gene in a population.

6 Out of 100 donors . . . . . 84 donors are RH+ 38 are O+ 34 are A+
9 are B+ 3 are AB+ 16 donors are RH- 7 are O- 6 are A- 2 are B- 1 is AB-

7 Can be used sometimes to eliminate paternity

8 Polygenic inheritance: Occurs when MORE THAN ONE gene controls a single trait.


10 Sex linkage: determined by sex chromosomes.

11 Color blindness is sex linked

12 Baldness is sex-linked


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