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Math Generation PLCs Where have we been?

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Presentation on theme: "Math Generation PLCs Where have we been?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Generation PLCs Where have we been?
Year 1: Norms and Meeting Structures/The Core Four Year 2: Ongoing support for PLCs/Looking at student work Year 3: Solution Tree Presentations and Handbook for Math in a PLC- High Leverage Team Actions/Planning tasks & Protocol for analyzing student Work

2 Where are we now? Year 4: Continuing work with Solution Tree HLTAs
Work is driven by the “Four Questions of a PLC” Plan for rigor and productive problem solving through discourse Investigate student work Release Day 2: Working with Math PLC Leaders at the site to deepen and sustain use of research based strategies to impact student achievement in mathematics

3 Where are we going? Year 5:
Work as a team to support ALL students served by your PLC through collaborative structures throughout the day Work through the PLC culture at your site as defined by this year’s work with Solution Tree Coaching Deepen and sustain use of: the CA Math Framework & Go Math Curriculum high yield instructional strategies including Discourse, Number Talks, and Read 2 Ways

4 Complete this analogy:
Eggs in their carton are like teachers in their _________________. classrooms “Like eggs in a carton, teachers in their classrooms are isolated from each other, and unaware of what other teachers are doing, and how they are doing it, and what is working and what isn’t.  Elizabeth Green “Building a Better Teacher”

5 “The best and most efficient professional development comes from seeing other teachers teach effectively, and having other teachers see us.” - Steve Leinwand Author of Accessible Mathematics

6 How might we grow as professionals by learning with and from our colleagues on campus during instruction?

7 PLC! Peer Coaching is: NOT evaluative
NOT based on a hierarchy in teacher expertise NOT a formal system NOT being mandated by Math Generation!!!

8 Math Generation Year 4 Goals
Increase student discourse Increase teacher content knowledge beyond a single grade level Empower the PLC community Create longevity and sustainability at the site level

9 Work of a PLC Gathering evidence of current levels of student learning Developing strategies and ideas to build on strengths and address weaknesses in that learning Implementing those strategies Analyzing the impact of the changes to discover what was effective and what was not Applying new knowledge in the next cycle of continuous improvement DuFour, 2010

10 7 Actions of Collaboration
Maintain a clear focus. Embrace a spirit of inquiry. Put data at the center. Honor commitments to learners and learning. Cultivate relational trust. Seek equity. Assume collective responsibility.

11 It’s happening right here in Elk Grove!

12 Voices from the Field The Beginning
Math Generation Lesson Study and Release Day 2 PLC Conversations “How are you doing….?” “Why don’t you come in and see it?” Spread the word Early adopters Administrative Support “Do we have to do this?”

13 Gaining momentum Pilot teams plus curious colleagues
Soft sell… not ready for the sign? Come and observe! Parent/ Community Intrigue The issue of time… Ideas???? Administrator Support Prep time/Recess/Lunch Sell it! But… keep it low key Keep #Observe Me alive by messaging at PLC, Staff Meetings, Hallway Talk

14 What we are learning Observers Observed Feeling validated
Taking away new ideas Articulating across grade levels Collaborating at a deeper level Observed Feeling renewed and inspired Gaining comfort with having colleagues in the room Teaching with focus on craft and practice Reflecting on instruction with the support of feedback

15 Feedback Quality of Feedback: Vague Feedback Specific Feedback
What I saw: Discourse Students able to run their own conversations by using stems: I agree/disagree…, I also…, or I can add… What I enjoyed: Interaction and depth of discussion. Your prompt, “Argue for 2 or 4 rectangles using dimensions”- rich group conversation to justify and convince using their models. What I might suggest: I totally liked it! What we discussed in PLC- using fraction strips Questions: Do you get to your math pages?

16 Impact on our PLCs Meetings have more depth
Conversation is grounded in shared classroom experience More written samples of student work are being used as evidence of learning Math Generation goals are being implemented Read Two Ways classroom practice is more widespread Pipe Ins/ Collaborative Teaching/ Whisper Coaching Cross grade articulation

17 Another approach The Pineapple Chart Display a chart where teachers can “advertise” what’s going on in their classrooms A pineapple on the door means “Welcome, come on in.” Keep it voluntary/ drop in Skip the documentation Start with “The Bold and the Brave” Set the bar low Sell it!

18 Feedback? Or no Feedback?
Read “The Evolution of Peer Coaching” Think about the use of feedback as a component of peer to peer work. Prepare to participate in a Talk Chain regarding the use of feedback in a peer to peer setting.

19 Talk Chain Strategy Begins with the teacher posing a question about the topic asking students to share ideas Each person who speaks must respond to the comment made immediately before them If someone breaks the chain or the conversation gets off track, the teacher can re-direct the talk chain

20 Talk Chain Language Frames
Share your position on the use of feedback following peer observation First person: In my opinion, feedback ___________. I heard you say that feedback, _______________. I agree/disagree with this idea and I think that ______________________________________.

21 Goals for Release Day Two:
Professional learning: Read Two Ways or Number Talks, to engage students in rigorous mathematical work. Planning for time and resources to practice and apply the strategy in order to deepen and sustain instructional support for all students to ensure successful learning outcomes Discuss the following: What progress are you making in using either Read 2 Two Ways or Number Talks in your own classroom? What progress is your PLC making in collectively exploring the implementation of this strategy as a team? How might peer support during instruction help your PLC to deepen the effective use of this strategy and ensure increased learning for your students?

22 How can Math Gen support you?
Please think about how the work of you and your team can be clarified, deepened, and sustained with support. Complete the form so that support can happen- either now or after bringing it to your team.

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