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Covalent Bonding Last Bits.

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1 Covalent Bonding Last Bits

2 Coordinate Covalent Bond
bond formed when: 2 atoms share pair electrons but both electrons donated by same atom many polyatomics have coordinate covalent bonds must be able to recognize them

3 H .. + H : N : H H+1 .. Ammonium, NH4+1 Oh oh – no electrons at all!
2 electrons just hanging around

4 Ammonium, NH4+1 +1 H .. H : N : H .. H Both electrons in this bond were donated by the N atom

5 .. + H : O : H H+1 .. Hydronium, H3O+ 2 pairs of nonbonding electrons
zero electrons

6 Hydronium, H3O+ +1 H Both electrons are provided by the oxygen atom .. H : O : H ..

Most covalent substances are molecular Carbon can form 4 bonds with 4 other C atoms Allows C to build up extensive network, like a crystal lattice Ex: diamond Hard, nonconductors (except graphite) high mp & bp, high Hf and Hv Strong covalent bonds hold atoms together

8 Diamond Structure

9 Network solids: Silicon
Silicon can also form network solids Ex: quartz or SiO2 Quartz has very complicated crystal structure

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