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Science Starter… Observe the topic of the day then jot down a caption for the “thought bubble.” Be ready to share.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Starter… Observe the topic of the day then jot down a caption for the “thought bubble.” Be ready to share."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Starter… Observe the topic of the day then jot down a caption for the “thought bubble.” Be ready to share.

2 Today’s Goals: Identify the different layers of the Earth.
Differentiate among the characteristics of the Earth’s three layers.


4 Video Clip Intro

5 Interactive Earth’s Layers
You need pg. 25 on the left side of your comp. book Leave the next page blank You need 25B on the right side of your comp book. 25 25 B Leave the next page blank front and back

6 On the middle page you left blank…
Carefully, Trace the outline of the pie shape. Trace the line cut outs. (4) Pass to it to a neighbor. Turn the page and trace the lines on the back side (you should be able to see it through the paper) Label and color each layer like Ms. Faulkner’s. NEATLY! Cut the around the pie shape. (see example if needed)

7 Know the Layers… 25B Crust: Mantle: Outer Core: Inner Core:
Thinnest layer Outermost layer Solid layer Made of oxygen, silicon, and aluminum About 25 miles thick Largest layer Viscous Convection Currents Made of magnesium, oxygen, and silicon About 1,800 miles thick Liquid layer (molten) Mostly iron and nickel About 1,400 miles thick Innermost layer Densest layer Mostly iron Solid layer About 760 miles thick


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