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The Wild, Wacky World of Minerals

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1 The Wild, Wacky World of Minerals

2 Intro to Minerals

3 I. A mineral is… A) Inorganic: 1. Not made up of living things.
2. Not made from the remains of living things. B) Naturally formed solid: 1. Minerals are formed by nature. 2. They always exist in solid form at surface temperatures. 3. They have a fixed internal structure.

4 C)Specific chemical formula
1. All minerals have a specific chemical composition. 2. A mineral can be one or more types of atoms. a.) Gold has one type of atom. b.) Fluorite is a compound of more than one type of atom.

5 II. Mineral Groups A) Silicate Minerals: contain a combination of silicon and oxygen. 1. 96% of the Earth’s crust is silicon and oxygen 2. Feldspor is the most common mineral, making up to one half the crust.

6 B) Non Silicate Minerals: does not have combination of silicon and oxygen.
1. Only 4% of the Earth’s crust is Non Silicate. 2. Metals like copper, silver, and gold. 3. Non metals like sulfur.

7 III. Mineral Identification
A. Color 1. Because many minerals are the same color, color is not a strong identifier. 2. Some minerals are formed in different colors.

8 B. Hardness: A minerals resistance to being scratched.
1. Mohs Hardness Scale A) 1. Talc 2 Gypsun 3. Calcite 4. Flurorite 5. Apatite 6. Corundum 7. Quartz 8. Topaz 9. Corundum 10. Diamond 2. Field Hardness Test A)2.5 Fingernail 3.5 Penny 4.5 Nail 5.5 Glass 7Quartz

9 C. Cleavage-Fracture 1. Cleavage is a minerals tendency to split along sets of parallel flat surfaces. 2. Fracture is a minerals tendency to split along irregular shapes

10 D. Streak 1. Streak is the color of the powder left by a mineral when it is rubbed against a hard rough surface. 2. A mineral streak may be different than it’s color. E. Luster: How a mineral reflects light.

11 IV. Special Properties A. Taste, is a bad way to find a mineral
B. Fluorescence: ability to glow and to change color under ultraviolet light C. Double Refraction: a mineral that produces a double image D. Radioactivity: minerals can give off nuclear radiation when the atom changes.

12 V. Uses and Importance of Minerals
A. Minerals are cool because: 1. conduct heat and electricity 2. made into electrical wires 3. hammered into sheets 4. cannot break easily B. Ductility: is the ability to be drown or pulled into wire.

13 C. Brittle- If a mineral is hammered and the result is powder or small crumbs it is considered brittle. 1. The majority of all minerals are brittle

14 D. Malleable-If a mineral can be flattened by pounding with a hammer, it is malleable/ 1. All true metals are malleable. (silver, gold) E. Ductile-A mineral that can be stretched into a wire is ductile. 1. All true metals are ductile.

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