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Capture Theory.

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1 Capture Theory



4 Triton’s orbit is ~156⁰ off of Neptune’s equator

5 Phoebe’s orbit is ~151⁰ from Saturn’s equator

6 The Moon’s orbit is ~30⁰ off of Earth’s equator

7 Fission Theory


9 Composition of the Earth & Moon
Element Earth Moon Iron 34.6% 3.5% Oxygen 29.5% 60.0% Silicon 15.2% 16.5% Magnesium 12.7% Titanium 0.05% 1.0%

10 Binary Theory

11 The Moon’s orbit is ~30⁰ off of Earth’s equator

12 Pluto Charon Typically in a binary formation, the two objects orbit in the same plane without much inclination).


14 Composition of the Earth & Moon
Element Earth Moon Iron 34.6% 3.5% Oxygen 29.5% 60.0% Silicon 15.2% 16.5% Magnesium 12.7% Titanium 0.05% 1.0%

15 Giant Impact Theory



18 Composition of Earth’s Layers


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