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Have out your preposition song, your notes, and your book!

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Presentation on theme: "Have out your preposition song, your notes, and your book!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have out your preposition song, your notes, and your book!
Happy Thursday! Have out your preposition song, your notes, and your book!

2 Prayer Requests

3 Class Luncheon Tomorrow

4 Prepositions Song


6 test Even out rows

7 Score Keepers? Even out rows

8 Chapter 6 REVIEW

9 Preposition Definition?
Show relationship/ connection!!! Have a noun or pronoun as their object

10 Adjective Questions Which one? What kind? How many? How much? Whose?

11 Adverb Questions How? When? Where? Why? To what extent?

12 The subject line on Sam’s
Adj. or Adv.? The subject line on Sam’s was blank. hilarious. ADJ

13 He was traveling in his rusty green pickup.
Adj. or Adv.? He was traveling in his rusty green pickup. ADV

14 Adj or Adv?

15 1. Joppa was a famous city along the Mediterranean Sea.

16 2. The port for Jerusalem was Joppa.

17 3. The land around the area was extremely productive.

18 4. This port is mentioned in several Bible stories.

19 5. Jonah ran away from God’s call.

20 two people or things more than two
between/among two people or things more than two

21 shows a location a direction
in/into shows a location a direction

22 “in addition to” or “except for”
beside/besides “next to” “in addition to” or “except for”

23 Adverb or Preposition

24 He came in to say hello to my family.

25 They went into the room to speak with him.

26 Brian moves around quickly in his wheelchair.

27 coordinating conjunction
-connects _______sentence parts that have the ___________function in the sentence. TWO SAME

28 List 6 coordinating conjunctions and or so for but nor yet

29 acrostic? conjunction FAN BOYS

30 conjunctions 4 categories? nouns
Example: Sharks and smaller fish do not get along.

31 conjunctions coordinating verbs
Are you swimming or surfing when you go to the ocean?

32 conjunctions coordinating adjectives
The shark is a beautiful but deadly creature.

33 conjunctions coordinating adverbs
The hungry shark completely yet quickly devoured his dinner.

34 conjunctions coordinating prepositions
The fishing vessel did not go among nor beside the enormous whales.

35 conjunctions coordinating auxiliaries
The dolphin could and did save the drowning man.

36 conjunctions coordinating independent clauses
Whales come to the surface to breathe, for they have lungs rather than gills.

37 conjunctions coordinating dependent clauses
Because sharks are considered fierce and because they have attacked people in the past, humans are generally afraid of them.

38 4 Pairs of Correlative Conjunctions? both-and either-or neither-nor
not only-but also

39 Correlative: TWO Purposes emphasis-
Both the natives and the tourists are on the island. clarity - They are going to fish and either snorkel or scuba dive.

40 correlative Many submarines either attack enemy ships or fire missiles at enemy countries.

41 One hundred fifty crew members can live or work on submarines.
coordinating One hundred fifty crew members can live or work on submarines.

42 secondary; under the control of another
subordinate secondary; under the control of another

43 Subordinating Conjunctions
join a dependent clause to an independent clause WRITE A SENTENCE USING A SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION.

44 Interjection can stand alone
may or may not have a function in the sentence Interjection

45 strong feeling Example?

46 strong feeling WOW!

47 agreement/ disagreement

48 agreement/ disagreement

49 greeting/ leave-taking

50 greeting/ leave-taking
Hey! Hello. Goodbye.

51 politeness Example?

52 politeness Please! Thank you!

53 hesitation/introduction of a subject
Another name for this category? ___________ _____________

54 hesitation/introduction of a subject
VERBAL CLUTTER (examples: um…, well….)

55 How many miracles did Jesus perform beside the Sea of Galilee?
Trivia Quiz ? ten How many miracles did Jesus perform beside the Sea of Galilee? ? ? ? ? ?

56 What is the average depth of an ocean?
Trivia Quiz ? 12,000 feet What is the average depth of an ocean? ?

57 What percentage of animal species can be found on the ocean floor?
Trivia Quiz ? ninety percent What percentage of animal species can be found on the ocean floor? ?

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