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By: Makayla Miller Mod 7/8

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1 By: Makayla Miller Mod 7/8
Justin Bieber By: Makayla Miller Mod 7/8

2 How Many Famous People do You Know Who Had a Rough Early Life?

3 Thesis statement One of the reasons for Justin being successful is because he is humble and modest.

4 Growing Up Justin grew up in a small town called Stratford Canada.
A town of only 30,000 people!

5 Hard Times? Justin had a rough life growing up…
A few years after Justin was born his mom and dad had a divorce and he moved away. Justin's mom had to work many jobs to support the 2 of them. With little money coming in Justin was picked on at school for the clothes he wore.

6 How did Justin Become Famous
Justin was in a singing competition with his family and the family who couldn’t be there wanted him to post the videos on YouTube 4 them to see. Many music producers where contacting him. The one who got there attention was Scott Braun.

7 What Happened Next? Justin flew out to Atlanta to meet Scoter and he ran into Usher. Justin was in the middle of a bidding war between Usher and Justin Timberlake. Usher won and was able to sign Justin Bieber.

8 Where Did Justin Go From There?
Justin is now traveling all around the world to many places, and busy with concerts. Justin has been to Atlanta New Zealand United Kingdom And many more places!

9 Now that Justin Is Famous…
He has 162 million views on YouTube, 2.6 million views on Facebook, and 1.7 million views on Twitter. Justin has 2 albums My World, and My World 2.0! With so much success Justin has more the 42 songs.

10 What is Possible? (Conclusion)
When you are humble and modest many things can go write and lead to success!

11 Work Cited All About Justin Bieber." people magazine 19 Apr. 2010: Print. " : The #1 Celebrity Site for breaking news, celebrity pictures and star style." : The #1 Celebrity Site for breaking news, celebrity pictures and star style. N.p., 21 Apr Web. 4 June <

12 "Justin Bieber (justinbieber) on Twitter." Twitter.
N.p., 3 May Web. 4 June 2010. <

13 “Justin Biber’s Adolescence Fantasy.” Sirs Discover
Jan 21, Month Year of Article: pg 22 . 4/28/10

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