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1 access identification
AID access identification are you who you say you are?

2 Mission Statement The mission of AID is to ensure the safety of valuable items and protection of businesses possessed by exceptional individuals by the use of biometrics and other identification devices.

3 Scenario A government agency interested in protecting the nation’s secrets. The Basics Money is no object The system must be impenetrable

4 The Plan Iris scan Radioactive dye drink fountain Gait test
Vein geometry scan *If any step is failed, access is completely denied immediately

5 IRIS SCAN The scanner is installed on the outermost indestructible door. The scanner takes advantage of the unique variations and features of the iris, the colored ring The system locates the inner and outer edge of the iris, shoots out Infrared and visible lights, divides the Iris into hundreds of sections, and Verifies all sections match the Database.

6 Radioactive Dye Drink Administered after iris scan
Much like the dye used in MRIs Will be useful later in the identification

7 Gait Measure The Gait Measure Identifier is located right after the radioactive fountain drink The Gait technology measures human gait by body contour, motion, speed and time First data must be collected from the individuals in the system. It also helps to have the background be as simple as possible to provide the highest level of recognition. Additionally selection of an appropriate viewpoint, one in which the gait is observed from the side, is also important. From here, through a process called background subtraction, the object or gait is separated from the background noise. Next the specific markers of the identification scheme are removed from the gait data. These are compared with the database in hopes of a positive recognition.

8 Vein Geometry The last step, after the gait measurer.
Scanner maps out all of the unique blood vessels in the forearm The scanner emits magnetic detectors, much like an MRI, that recognizes the radioactive dye now running through the blood vessels. These are compiled and compared to the database.

9 Testimony Sarah Jean-Presidential secretary
“These series of biometrics have really helped to crack down on identity theft. About a month or two ago a criminal master mind for Japan had everything he needed to get by our simple fingerprint scan. He even knocked out our biggest maddest guards with anesthesia to get to the nations secrets! We never caught the guy but when we turned to more than one system of biometrics and we got him! If he really thought he was going to get past our gait measure he was wrong! Thanks Haley and Careana!”

10 IMPOSSIBLE! It would be impossible for someone to beat this system. Each test alone is near impossible to pass on its own. Iris scan can only be passed by using a dead person’s eye. To duplicate someone's walk is highly impossible. A persons walk is due to what there body has been through over the years and unless you are someone who has been by that person’s side their whole life….IMPOSSIBLE! Also the sensors on the floor will detect if there are more than one person crossing the room.

To get past the vein geometry is hard. The vein geometry takes a look at someone's inner veins. Unless you are God….IMPOSSIBLE! Also a dead person cannot be used to pass this because the blood must be flowing to move the radioactive dye. STEALING SOMEONE’S IDENTITY IN THIS CASE IS….. ...IMPOSSIBLE

12 Privacy ~The nations secrets are above privacy.
~Any measure that is reasonable may be taken into consideration when in regards the US’s undisclosed information

13 Virtual Tour

14 iris scan

15 administration of radioactive dye



18 Works Cited Access Excellence [Internet] [accessed 2008 Oct 1]. Available from: Biometrics [Internet] Michigan State University: [updated 2008; accessed 2008 Oct 1]. Available from:

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