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2 Introduction <XML> - Extensible Mark-up Language </XML>
New lingua franca of business - easy, flexible, and affordable to implement Provides a universal format for structured documents and data Header Title Abstract .. Share information across corporate boundaries Information is ‘packeted’ - 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

3 Introduction <XML> - Benefits </XML>
Enhance customer and partner relationships XML allows business to create intelligent and automated services that make your companies easier to do business with Improve time to market, product design, and innovation Using XML companies can exchange information with supply chain partners and get everyone´s input earlier in the design process - without having to reengineer business processes and systems Improve decision support XML allows productivity software to tap data stored in back-end systems, delivering timely information that enables managers to forecast more accurately and respond faster to changes in the competitive climate 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

4 Introduction <XML> At Work </XML>
Use XML schema as reference- to interpret the data - view on screen Send data in data as XML file Internet Load data Use XML schema as reference- to wrap-up the data Use XML schema as reference- to extract the data LEGACY SYSTEM LEGACY SYSTEM XML Schema Definition 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

5 OHIM Proposal <XML> - Proposal </XML>
Define XML open standard for the Community Trademark - and make it available to all our partners for discussions: - EU Members States - Candidate Countries - USPTO - JPTO - WIPO - etc. A World Wide XML Standard for the Trade Mark Community 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

6 First Steps - CTM <XML> - Community Trade Mark </XML>
The first phase of work to be done - will include the following data sets: Definition of Persons, including Agents, Employees and Owners Definition of Publication information. Definition of Mark information. Definition of Priority information. Definition of Seniority information. 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

7 Telephone/Fax/E-Mail
Person Module <XML> </XML> Person Module Components Person Information Person Identity Applicant Natural Person Representative Legal Entity Contact Information Address Telephone/Fax/ Miscellaneous 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

8 Publication Information
Publication Module <XML> </XML> Publication Module Components Publication Information Publication Number Publication Date Publication Status Publication Part Miscellaneous 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

9 Components - Type of Mark
CTM Module - #1 <XML> </XML> CTM Module Components - Type of Mark Type of Mark Representation Word Mark Representation Description Figurative Goods and Services Three-dimensional Sound mark Color mark per se Other 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

10 Components - Goods & Services
CTM Module - #2 <XML> </XML> CTM Module Components - Goods & Services Nice Classification Nice Class Description Nice Class Number Translation 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

11 Full or partial priority ?
Priority Section <XML> </XML> Priority Section Components Priority Section Country of 1st filing Date of 1st filing Full or partial priority ? Status Goods & Services Copy of 1st filing Exhibition Priority 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

12 Seniority Section <XML> </XML> Seniority Section
Components Seniority Section National Registration International Registration Member State Priority Date Filing Date Filing Number Registration Date Registration Number Full or partial or earlier? Goods & Services 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

13 Implementation Plans 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

14 E-Publication OHIM Standard for Electronic Publications Objective:
Allow OHIM to create intelligent and automated services to publish - whereby our clients will be allowed to choose - how, when and what to receive Issue: 1. Create a standard protocol - for sending/ receiving data 2. Define data format (XML) 3. Security - protect client data & ensure delivery Current Proposal: 1. Standard protocol - file transfer (via ftps or https) 2. Data format - OHIM’s XML CTM standard 3. Security - selected clients only, user authentication, delivery receipt 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

15 E-Publication <XML> - Information Dissemination Infrastructure </XML> HTML Web PDF XML Data Publication Platform XML CD-ROM 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

16 E-Filing ‘Batch’ OHIM Standard for acceptance of Batch Electronic Applications Objective: Allow business to create intelligent and automated services to send their applications to the OHIM - and receive electronic acknowledgement of receipt Issue: 1. Create a standard protocol - for sending/ receiving data 2. Define data format (XML) 3. Security - protect client data & ensure delivery Current Proposal: 1. Standard protocol - file transfer (via ftps or https) 2. Data format - OHIM’s XML CTM standard 3. Security - selected clients only, user authentication, delivery receipt 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

17 Generate application seamlessly directly from client system
Batch - Client Send OHIM Standard for acceptance of Batch Electronic Applications The Client Send electronic application(s) The Office Generate application seamlessly directly from client system Client System EUROMARC Financial OHIM System 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

18 E-Filing - Batch Processing
<XML> CTM APPLICATION </XML> Application details (XML) + Visual check using web browser Client DB documents jpeg Business-to-Business Client Database Server generates applications based on standard protocols agreed with OAMI OAMI Web Service 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

19 Office returns receipt / Application ID /Filing Date / Fee
Batch - Client Receipt OHIM Standard for receipt of Batch Electronic Applications Office returns receipt / Application ID /Filing Date / Fee Automate Reconcilliation Process Client System The Office EUROMARC Financial The Client OHIM System 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept

Thank you for your attention 21/09/2018 IT&F Dept


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