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Middle Ages Europe.

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1 Middle Ages Europe

2 Feudalism Form of government where people had little chance to move up the social ladder (Monarchy) Monarch or King: Ruled with complete authority. Chosen based on bloodlines Lords: Owned the land and would provide soldiers in case of a war to the king Knights: Of noble blood but acted as security Peasants: Not of noble blood and worked the land of the lords.

3 Knights "Never, by God," then answers him Rollanz,
"Shall it be said by any living man, That for pagans I took my horn in hand! Never by me shall men reproach my clan. When I am come into the battle grand, And blows lay on, by hundred, by thousand, Of Durendal bloodied you'll see the brand. Franks are good men; like vassals brave they'll stand; Nay, Spanish men from death have no warrant."

4 Coat of Arms assignment due Wednesday
Knights often wore a coat of arms to identify themselves and to represent their family or clan. It would be placed on their shield or part of their armor. For your assignment you will create your own coat of arms. Draw and color a simple shield or flag. Make it a representation of you! In addition to coloring it, add five different words, pictures or different items of your choosing that represent you.

5 100 Years War 1337-1453 Two Christian nations at odds
Edwards’ vs Charles’ or England vs France England starts the butt-kicking (Agincourt) and the French have to resort to using a girl What! Joan of Arc and the battle of Orleans King Charles the Dauphin crowned king at Reims

6 Joan of Arc Doc Partner up and get a copy of the leadership definition and Joan of Arc bio 1. Based on what you know about the society of Europe in the 15th century and Joan how do you think Joan will do as a hero? On a half sheet of paper write down a prediction and explanation of why you think what will happen will happen 2. Once you have a prediction read the documents with your partner and each person should write down four events that show that Joan was either a good or bad ruler 3. Share your four events with your partner and explain why you feel these events prove she was a good or bad ruler 4. Write a one paragraph summary in your notes about the life of Joan of Arc

7 What the heck Charles!! The Burgundians, an ally of the British, capture Joan after Charles sends her away to protect a city in 1430 The English put her in prison and put her on trial Jan of 1431 and after 15 sessions convicted her of heresy, witchcraft, and crossdressing. All of which were punishable by death Burnt to death on May 30th 1431 WHY DID CHARLES NOT SAVE HER?

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