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Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Room #213

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Room #213"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Room #213
Welcome! Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health Room #213

2 DO/Due NOW Give Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak your schedule.
Take one handout – “I received the following:” – from table #8 AND one little piece of paper Take a seat at one of the tables do not move the chairs. If it is necessary to move chairs for classroom work, make sure your return the chairs to the proper table Wait patiently for instructions

3 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Learning Target: Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) Success Criteria: SWBAT Gain an understanding of class expectations; Complete class work Ask clarifying questions, when necessary. Definition Health – state of well-being that comes from a good balance of the five aspects of health Journal: NONE P/R/S (P) Pre – (before) Class work Introduction to class – course syllabus, procedures, and planner page Homework Have parents sign syllabus and Contract for Success, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Tuesday, August 29, 2017

4 Front of the card Name Hour Health Definition: Back of the card State of well-being that comes from a good balance of the five aspects of health.

5 pre- P/R/S: Prefix/Root/Suffix before Front of the card (P)
Name Hour pre- (P) P/R/S: Prefix/Root/Suffix Back of the card before

6 Parent signature – course syllabus
1 August 28 2017 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 1) Gain an understanding of class expectations; 2) Com-plete class work, 3) Ask clarifying questions, when nec. Health state of well-being that comes from a good balance of the five aspects of health NONE (P) pre- before Introduction to class – course syllabus, procedures, & planner page Parent signature – course syllabus

7 Did YOU? Make sure your “I Received the Following:” was completed, signed and dated for the top four (4) items. Make sure you have all five (5) items (2 cards). KEEP THEM SAFE Turn in your “I Received the Following:” to the wire basket. (FOLLOW DIRECTIONS) Tuesday, August 29, 2016

8 What Did You Learn? How to write out definition and P/R/S cards
How to fill out a Planner Page Class Expectations (Contract for Success Class Curriculum – (Course Syllabus) Tuesday, August 29, 2016

9 If today is your first day
DO/Due NOW If today is your first day Give your schedule to Mrs. W-K Get a syllabus, Contract for Success, cards, “I received the following:” grid sheet and a planner page, from Mrs. W-K. Take a seat at one of the tables – do not move the chairs. Turned in your signed course syllabus and your Contract for Success (if you have it). Take a handout from table #8 Wait patiently for instruction.

10 Parent signature – course syllabus
1 August 28 2017 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 1) Gain an understanding of class expectations; 2) Com-plete class work, 3) Ask clarifying questions, when nec. Health state of well-being that comes from a good balance of the five aspects of health NONE (P) pre- before Introduction to class – course syllabus, procedures, & planner page Parent signature – course syllabus

11 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Health – state of well-being that comes from a good balance of the five aspects of health Journal: NONE P/R/S (P) Pre– (before) Class work Learning Targets Activity Introduction to class – Documents Homework Have parents sign Contract for Success and syllabus, bring back for a GRADE!! Learning Target: Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Gain an understanding of the Health Learning Targets

12 Good Morning Do you know what the word of the day is?
Do you know the what the P/R/S of the day? Where do you find these?

13 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Advocate – to speak or argue in the favor of something Journal: NONE P/R/S (R) oste - bone ex: osteoporosis Class work Review syllabus and health procedures. People Hunt Homework Signed course syllabus (if you haven’t turned it in). Learning Target: Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Gain an understanding of class expectations Team Building

14 DO NOW Pick up a planner page from my desk Fill in
Week #2 Week Beginning Dates for Monday – Friday Your Name (Printed) Your Signature Take out two (2) index cards Properly complete your definition & P/R/S Take your completed card to the teachers desk to be stamped – ONLY TODAYS Pick up your People Hunt – complete if necessary. Get one if you were abs. Thur.

15 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Wellness – Optimal health in each of the five aspects of health. Journal: NONE P/R/S (S) – osis = abnormal condition. Class work Review concepts Homework Have parents sign syllabus, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Learning Target: Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Gain an understanding of class expectations

16 Do/Due Now Procedures for taking tests & quizzes
Take out your phone Silence your phone Get a little Post-It from my desk Write your name on the Post-It Place the Post-It on the phone Hand the phone (with the Post-It attached) I will use phones to take attendance. The phone will be locked up during testing Phones will be returned after all test are turned in.

17 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Physical Health – your physical characteristics and the way your body functions. Journal: NONE P/R/S S) –ic, – al, – ical – pertaining to Class work Health Pre-Test – part #1 Homework Have parents sign syllabus, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Complete all definitions & P/R/S Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (1) Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Demonstrate their knowledge concerning health

18 Do/Due Now Procedures for taking tests & quizzes
Take out your phone Silence your phone Get a little Post-It from my desk Write your name on the Post-It Place the Post-It on the phone Hand the phone (with the Post-It attached) I will use phones to take attendance. The phone will be locked up during testing Phones will be returned after all test are turned in.

19 Success Criteria : SWBAT
Definition Emotional Health – expressing feelings in an appropriate way. Journal: NONE P/R/S (P) Post – after Class work Health Pre-Test – part #2 Homework Have parents sign syllabus, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Complete all definitions & P/R/S Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (1) Thursday, September 7, 2017 Success Criteria : SWBAT Demonstrate their knowledge concerning health

20 Do/Due Now - Fridays Procedures DEAR and “In the News”
Silence your phone Take a “Computer Contract” from table #8 (1/2 sheet – purple) Make sure there are 4 sets of 3 cups at each table (red, yellow & green) Wait for instructions

21 Do/Due Now - Fridays Procedures DEAR and “In the News”
Silence your phone Take a “Computer Contract” from table #8 (1/2 sheet – purple) Make sure there are 4 sets of 3 cups at each table (red, yellow & green) Wait for instructions Any book you take must be returned to the correct spot Check for category and number DEAR will be 20 minutes max – Fridays “In the News” is the remaining time

22 Success Criteria Explore Immunizations - Vaccinations Learning Target:
Definition Virus – you will look up the definition. Journal: NONE P/R/S P) Micro– small/tiny Class work SSR Immunizations/Vaccinations “In the News” Homework Have parents sign syllabus, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Complete all definitions & P/R/S Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Friday, September 8, 2017 Success Criteria Explore Immunizations - Vaccinations

23 Computer Login ID – OPFIStudent Password – Learn2Achieve2Become -or-
OPFICart### LearningIsCool

24 Success Criteria Explore Immunizations - Vaccinations Learning Target:
Definition Social Health – interaction with people to build satisfying relationship. Journal: NONE P/R/S (P) an- without Class work Immunizations/Vaccinations “In the News” Homework Have parents sign syllabus, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Complete all definitions & P/R/S Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Monday, September 11, 2017 Success Criteria Explore Immunizations - Vaccinations

25 Computer Login ID – OPFIStudent Password – Learn2Achieve2Become -or-
OPFICart### LearningIsCool

26 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Spiritual Health – maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose. Journal: Distributed and begin P/R/S (R) medic (healing) Class work Begin building journal Homework Have parents sign syllabus, bring back tomorrow for a GRADE!! Complete all definitions & P/R/S Learning Target: Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Gain an understanding of class expectations Team Building

27 Journal: 1 EXAMPLE NOTE: Use ONLY the front of the paper/pages
Table of Contents 1 # Item Date Pg NOTE: Use ONLY the front of the paper/pages

28 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition MENTAL HEALTH: the feeling you have about yourself and your abilities to deal with problems The ability to recognize reality Journal: Complete journal though p. 10 P/R/S (R) melan (black) Class work Organize journal, cards, etc. Finish any planner pages Homework Journal, cards, planner pages, computer contract, Health standards; all should be properly completed. Learning Target: Demonstrate advocacy skills for enhanced personal, family, and community health (#7) Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Gain an understanding of class expectations Team Building

29 DO/Due NOW Get a ¼ sheet of scrap paper from TABLE #8
Position the paper to resemble a sheet of paper. Print your name, date & hour in the upper right corner.

30 DO/Due NOW Copy the information below Answer the questions
What are the behaviors that contribute to deaths of youth? (ages 15 – 24) 1. 2. 3. What are the behaviors that contribute to deaths of adults? Answer the questions

31 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Heredity: All traits that are biologically passed down from parents to their children. Journal: Copy the “Six Categories of Risk Behaviors” P/R/S S) –ity (condition of) Class work 6 Categories of Risk Behaviors History Matters Homework Complete Journal, cards, planner pages, computer contract, Health standards, etc. Journal and cards are due tomorrow. (FRIDAY) All missing assignments Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Thursday, September 14, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Identify 3 categories of risk behavior for teens as well as adults. Begin formulating Family Health Tree

32 DO NOW Work to turn in: (Time allowed – 3 minutes)
Journal – hand to the teacher Cards – rubber band together, then hand to the teacher. Find a book Take it back to your seat We will read for 10 minutes today. In addition to SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) and completing your planner page we have an “In the News” team topic. In other words, it’s a busy day.

33 Success Criteria Learning Target:
Definition Self-Esteem – feeling good about yourself and your abilities. Journal: NONE P/R/S (R) Class work SSR School Violence “In the News” Homework Complete all work. Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Friday, September 15, 2017 Success Criteria Explore School Violence “In the News”

34 DO/Due NOW Get a 2 papers fromTABLE #8
After your planner page is completed, for the day you will: Annotate the 2 papers. Annotate = highlight, circle, underline, key points.

35 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Self – Esteem – feeling good about yourself and your abilities. Journal: Annotate page 11 &12 P/R/S (R) genit – birth Class work Annotate 2 handouts Discuss handouts Homework Complete annotation Get information for Family Health History Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information and resources in one’s community and on the Internet related to personal health issues and concerns. Monday, September 18, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Create a family health history tree.

36 DO/Due NOW Get a 2 papers from TABLE #8 One full sheet One half sheet

37 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Bacteria – microorganisms which are typically one-celled and can be seen only with a microscope. Journal: Get your journal pages 11 & 12 stamped P/R/S Pulmon (R) - lungs Class work Family Health History Tree Homework Complete annotation Get information for Family Health History Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information and resources in one’s community and on the Internet related to personal health issues and concerns. Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Create a family health history tree.

38 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Effective Communication: a two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party Journal: Get your journal pages 11 & 12 stamped P/R/S (R) Esthes = pain/feeling Class work Family Health History Tree Homework Complete annotation Get information for Family Health History Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information and resources in one’s community and on the Internet related to personal health issues and concerns. Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Create a family health history tree.

39 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Definition Values – a person’s strong belief and ideals. Journal: 5 components of Health and Health/Wellness – page 14 – see next slide P/R/S (S) –ive = pertaining to Class work Journal page 14 1.1 Section Review Homework Complete Family Health History It is due tomorrow when you walk in. You will have no time to work on it. Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information and health-promoting products and services. Thursday, September 21, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT Explain how the five components of health provide a picture of overall health Describe the difference between wellness and health

40 Journal – page 13 1. Explain how the five components of health provide a picture of overall health.(Make sure social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual are all included in your response.) 2. Describe the difference between Health and Wellness.

41 Do/Due Now Get all three (3) items from table #8 ½ sheet score sheet
Values Shield – directions Clean cardstock

42 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Definitions: Goals – a specific aim that reflects a set of values. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) ex- (out, off, from, beyond) Class work: Coat of Arms Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Monday, September 25, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT affirm their values. understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.

43 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Definitions: Short-Term Goals – a goal that can be accomplished in a few months or less. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Operat (work) (R) Class work: Coat of Arms Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT affirm their values. understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.

44 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Definitions: Long-Term Goals: a goal which can be accomplished in one or more years Journal: NONE P/R/S: -ism (S) – condition of being Class work: Presentation of Coat of Arms Homework: Defn, P/R/S, Journal Wednesday, September 27, 2017 Success Criteria: SWBAT affirm their values. understand other people and their differences and similarities in their value structure.

45 Success Criteria: SWBAT
Learning Target: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services (#2) Definition Intermediate Goals: a goal which can be accomplished in a few month to one year. Journal: NONE Thursday, September 28, 2017 P/R/S carp (R) - wrist Success Criteria: SWBAT Explore the “In the News” topic Class work SSR “In the News” Homework Complete all definitions & P/R/S

46 Objective: SWBAT Goal: Definition Journal: P/R/S Class work Homework
Communicable disease – an infectious disease that is passed from one person to another Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Journal: Notes from 21.1 – page #16 (use back, if needed Make sure your notes address the objectives. Friday, September 29, 2017 Objective: SWBAT Describe the causes of infectious disease Identify the ways in which diseases are spread P/R/S (R) Path - disease (R) Gen - producing Class work Textbook 21.1 –notes in journal Homework Complete: Definition, Journals, & P/R/S

47 21.1 Journal Directions Place each item on the page specified
Title each section Write the question, statement, word or chart/table Complete by filling in, defining or answering the questions. Journals will be turned into the sub for credit. NO JOURNAL = NO CREDIT NO LATE JOURNALS TAKEN. In other words, do you work when you are suppose to

48 21.1 What Are Infectious Diseases (page 18 front and back, if needed)
Definitions: Communicable Disease Infectious Disease Microorganisms Bacterium Virus Pathogen Feces – you will need to look this one up in the dictionary.

49 What Causes Infectious Disease (page 19)
Make sure you know what each is. List examples, if available

50 Bacteria vs. Virus (page 19)
General Information Diseases caused by

51 How Are Infectious Diseases Spread (page 20)
Explain each

52 Food Poisoning (page 20) Symptoms of food poisoning
Ways to prevent food poisoning

53 Mon, Oct 2 Goal: Objective: SWBAT
Definition Antibiotic: drugs that kill or limit the growth of bacteria Journal None – use your notes from Friday to complete your worksheet P/R/S (R) bi(o): - life Class work Textbook 21.1 Section Review and Journal worksheet Homework Complete: Definition, Journals, & P/R/S Goal: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention (#1) Objective: SWBAT Describe the causes of infectious disease Identify the ways in which diseases are spread

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