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PSC 3.0 Meeting January 20, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PSC 3.0 Meeting January 20, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSC 3.0 Meeting January 20, 2011

2 Agenda Objectives: Draft a guiding vision and mission for Gage Middle School to ground our Instructional Program. Establish the goals of the subcommittees on Instructional Program. Agenda Items: I. Opening Remarks II. Project Based Management Phases III. Task Sequence (Present Model) IV. Building a Mission and Vision for Gage Middle School V. Establishing goals for subcommittees. VI. Next Steps: Whole group (5 mins.)

3 Project Management

4 Initiating and Planning


6 Vision / Mission

7 Sub-Committee Next Steps and Commitments
Exchange information Work as independent sub-committees. Sub-committees will present findings every Thursday to the entire committee

8 PSC 3.0 Meeting January 27, 2011 Agenda: Objectives:
1. Review vision/mission findings 1. Subcommittees report (findings/progress) to the entire group. 2. Subcommittees receive feedback by way of probing questions _________________________________________________________ Opening Remarks Subcommittee Reports (Report 3 minutes – Q& A 3 minutes) Next Steps Commitments for next meeting (Subcommittee work)

9 Vision / Mission (Guiding Elements)
Themes: 21st Century Learners Global Citizens Community of learners College and Career (Ready/Prepared) Curriculum: Rigorous Technology Collaboration Culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy Researched based Inquiry based Project based Meaningful and challenging Structures: Small Learning Communities / Small Schools Safe environment (physical and learning environment) Community of Learners Students: Lifelong Learners Motivated Independent Success Oriented Contributing members of society Academic, social, and emotional growth Problem solvers Critical thinkers Creative Self-worth School pride, identity, belonging, respect Communicators self-directed learners Inspired

10 Subcommittee Reports Protocol
Rule of thumb: Questions are the primary form of communication. Make statements only in response to questions. Questions bring clarity and focus. Questions provoke thinking and reflection. Questions make people reflect on their own thoughts. Questions elevate conversations. Questions amplify ideas. Statements are often mistaken as consensus by the person who makes them.

11 Subcommittee Reports Protocol Continued:
Statements will most often close the door on conversation. Questions will always open the door to conversation. (The Power of Action Learning, Marquardt, 2004).

12 Subcommittee Reports Protocol (continued)
Member Roles: * Subcommittee members report the most salient points of their findings. *1 Note taker (records every question and every statement made in response to the subcommittee report) *1 Person to serve as an “echo” (At the end of the Q&A a person will restate the questions or statements made in response to the presentation).

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