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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1 MATTER AND MIXTURES"— Presentation transcript:

Topic 1 – States of matter – Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma. S- Densest, particles close, vibrate Definite shape and volume. L – particles slip past each other, definite volume. G- particles far apart, indefinite shape and volume. State Changes – Sublimation, desublimation, Condesation, Vaporization, Solidification, Fusion (pg. 11) Boiling point – point where a substance turns from L to G. Melting point – Turns from S to L Topic 2 – Pure substances – Elementsperiodic table and compounds made of 2 or more elements. Mixtures – Mechanical (heterogeneous – see parts) and Solutions (homogeneous – looks like one thing) Suspensions, Colloids, Emulsions MM . (pg.15) Parts of Mechanical mixture are called phases. Dissolving – when one substance disappears into another (ex) salt into water. Rate of Dissolving – how fast something dissolves Solvent- dissolves something else (ex H2O) Solute – gets dissolved by something (ex Salt) Things dissolve because particles are Universal Solvent – Water – dissolves many things attracted to each other, and are always moving. Agitation – speeds up dissolving. Saturated- no more solute can be dissolved Unsaturated – More solute can still dissolve Supersaturated- excess solute is dissolved Soluble – something will dissolve. Insoluble – Something will not dissolve. Topic 3 – Separating Mixtures – Desert Tent, Distillation (evaporation and condensation), Fractionation tower, Filtration, Settling, Picking out, Magnetism, Sifting. Topic 4 – Viscosity – How thick a fluid is. Very thick = very viscous. Viscous fluids have low flow rate F.R. = V T Liquids – when heated viscosity goes down, when cooled, viscosity goes up, Gases – when heated viscosity goes up, when cooled viscosity goes down. Topic 5 – Density – How close the particles in a substance are packed. D = M / V Mass- amouint of matter in a substance Volume – amount of space a substance takes up. Weight – Amount of gravity acting on a mass, Gravity – Natural force pulling objects to Earth.

2 Topic 6 – Buoyancy – the force of a fluid that pushes up on a mass (floating). Water has density of 1/g per mL, If body density is less, item floats, if body density is more, item sinks. Average Density – The overall density of something floating in water must be less than 1g/mL so it will stay afloat (Boats) Submarine – ballasts allow water in and out to raise or sink boat. Fish – use a swim bladder. Neutral Buoyancy – An object will remain where it is in water if its density is exactly 1g/mL Archimedes Principle – The buoyant force acting on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the object (golden crown). Topic 8 – chloroflorohydrocarbons – destroy ozone – banned worldwide – Aerosol cans now use other substances, most of which are explosive/flammable.


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