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Senior English 11/5/14 How does self-awareness change the way the creature sees the world? What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk? Bastinado –

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 11/5/14 How does self-awareness change the way the creature sees the world? What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk? Bastinado –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 11/5/14 How does self-awareness change the way the creature sees the world? What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk? Bastinado – to torture by beating on the soles of the feet with a stick. Goals – Discuss. the creature’s perspective and Victor’s response to it. Bring in the Nature vs. Nurture debate. What evidence in the text supports the author’s stand on the issue? Homework – Complete reading and annotating chapter 20. Focus: what are Victor’s concerns about creating another monster? Don’t forget to study for vocab 10 Friday and vocab final in two weeks. An udder failure.

2 Senior English 11/6/14 Is there any way that the Creature could have introduced himself to the DeLacey Family that might have ended in a better result. Use a quote to back your opinion. What is the frogs’ favorite game? Coruscate – to give off glitter or sparkles of light; to be brilliantly witty. Goals – Table discussions for chapter 15, and quick research into Paradise Lost Homework – Read and annotate chapter 21. Focus Question: find evidence and formulate what “destiny of the most horrible kind” Victor thinks “hangs over” him. Croaket

3 Senior English 11/7/13 Five minutes to study for vocabulary #10.
Why did the lollipop cross the road? Adoxography – writing cleverly on a trivial subject Goals – Successfully complete vocab #10. Examine the language around the turning point for the creature. Homework – Read and annotate the remainder of the book. Because it was stuck to the chicken.

4 Senior English 11/7/14 Huxley says in his foreword that Brave New World isn't about science in itself, but instead about the way that science affects people. What's the difference? How does this dilemma play out in the novel? What has three teeth and sixty feet? Eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious – very good, very fine. Goals – Quiz on chapters 4-6. Discussion about issues in the book. Caste system? Homework – Write a paragraph about how science affects you is it positive or negative?. The front row of a Willie Nelson concert.

5 Senior English 11/7/13 In general, do your feel our world is heading in a positive or negative direction? Why? Are any of your feelings based upon science or economics? He’s such a good salesman that if you were shipwrecked and treading water, he could sell you an anvil. Jeeter – an ill-mannered slob. Goals – Read and analyze articles about classical and operant conditioning. What is the difference and how do they relate to brave new world? Online examples game. Homework – Read BNW Chapter 7.

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