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A parents’ guide to IGCSE English Language.

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1 A parents’ guide to IGCSE English Language.
How can I help? A parents’ guide to IGCSE English Language. JLSEnglish 2016

2 Environment Create an environment conducive to work
Best results come from a balance of work and rest – I do not believe that down time should not be encouraged. Make sure he is well fed: a basket of revision snacks is always good to keep energy levels up. Ideally assist your son in planning so that he works for around an hour at a time before taking a short (10 minute) break. Ensure he sleeps. Remove temptation – phones and tablets do not need to be in the bedroom and the tiredness caused by very late nights is far more destructive than “imperfect revision”. rules of study.pdf JLSEnglish 2016

3 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS “I have too much to do…”
Make a revision plan and stick to it. Help with this by recognising that your son needs to utilise both his evenings and weekends during the term AND his days during the holiday. This is a bad time to be travelling and visiting. He could try software like EXAMPAL app (£1.49) Divide the holiday days into the pattern of the school day and stick to it. JLSEnglish 2016

4 Nuts and Bolts Examination: Edexcel IGCSE English Language (A)
1 paper worth 70% of the whole IGCSE The syllabus can be found here: P:\Year11\English Language IGCSE\!Common\Edexcel\UG International-GCSE-in-English-Language-Spec-A-4EA0-Issue-2-for-web.pdf The anthology for prepared passages can be found here: P:\Year11\English Language IGCSE\!Common\UG International GCSE Anthology - English Lang (spec A) English Lit Issue 2 for web_ pdf The EDEXCEL CERTIFICATE is essentially the same exam – don’t be put off. Edexcel publish revision guides in addition to the material your son has been given, available from Amazon Edexcel guides JLSEnglish 2016

5 The Edexcel Website Website
Here you will find past papers, sample assessment and other helpful information to help your son study. There are detailed assessment models to help him understand where the marks come from. This material is covered in class, but you might like to discuss it with him. JLSEnglish 2016

6 Other online resources
My own blog: English resources - Mr Peel I have taught this specification for 5 years. All my teaching and revision material is on the blog – written material and screencasts/podcasts. The department YouTube Channel John Lyon English Department where I have uploaded material to assist with answering this exam paper. Another hugely popular resource is Mr Bruff Make sure you understand which specifications or boards he is discussing. JLSEnglish 2016

7 Other ideas Read papers and discuss the content with your son: focus on HOW the articles are written rather than simply on what they say. It can be useful to have two different papers and to compare the effect of the different writing styles. JLSEnglish 2016

8 Play Games One way to engage with the written element of the papers is to improve vocabulary and punctuation use. A brilliant series of resources have been made by Alan Peat, and can be bought for Ipad from the usual places. I recommend WORD JUICE and Exciting Sentences Your son needs to show a sophisticated grasp of Vocabulary and Punctuation. These will help! JLSEnglish 2016

9 Above All JLSEnglish 2016

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