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Presentation on theme: "CONNECTING INTERVENTION WITH COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS"— Presentation transcript:



3 4 major goals:** 1) create globally competitive citizens in 21st century 2) prepare--college 3) create critical readers who “read deeply” 4) students→responsible citizens who use evidence for deliberation

4 **The overarching goal is to create students who are ready to succeed in a twenty-first century, globally competitive society.

5 **The Common Core State Standards, enacted in 2010, have been adopted by 42 out of 50 states. The standards address English Language Arts and Math We are concerned with English Language Arts of course 

6 Some states…** Have completely rejected Common Core—like Texas and New York (not on exam)

7 English Language Arts Consists of 4 Areas:**
Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language

8 Key Changes in ELA Standards

9 Comprehension of Expository Text**
For me, probably the biggest game changer is an increased emphasis on expository reading (I have been SO used to narratives!)

10 **Because the Common Core State Standards have put a great emphasis on expository reading (reading for information)…. Some experts are recommending that professionals expose children to expository reading as young as preschool. These books relate to interesting topics such as jellyfish, slugs, and lizards.

11 **While narratives/story books are important to development, again, books that present expository information can be used starting in preschool to prepare ELL children for the greatly increased emphasis on expository reading beginning in the early grades of elementary school. Let’s look at a couple of specific examples

12 II. Enhancing Reading Comprehension of Expository Text

13 As we have said, reading is difficult for ELL students with LI…**
Academic materials are written in their second language of English The LI often makes reading difficult And, many children are seldom read to at home

14 I have found that using a Kindle (Amazon) or Nook (Barnes & Noble) is very advantageous (if possible) because:** Reading is much “cooler” ↑ font size without embarrassment

15 We Can Teach Basic Sight Words**
The of and a To in you is That it at he For on are as With his they be

16 **If ELL students with LI sound out basic sight words each time they encounter these words, reading comprehension and fluency will be slowed down greatly. Professionals can drill these sight words with students until the students can read them quickly and automatically.

17 **I like to… Use index cards and write the words down, one word per index card. Magic cards are colorful and sprayed with glitter  When students can read the words quickly and with automaticity, reading comprehension and fluency are greatly enhanced!

18 In order to help students read deeply…**
We can use the Preview-View-Review Approach We can use their class text books, especially their language arts books

Use classroom textbooks to teach students this approach This helps teach class curriculum content and enhance reading skills


21 VIEW THE CHAPTER** 1. Read the text aloud and have students follow along 2. Stop and have students explain content in their own words 3. Help the student organize and outline notes and readings


23 Help the student visualize what is being read**
They can make mental pictures

24 REVIEW** 1. Look over chapter headings and divisions again
2. Ask questions about the content 3. Help the student answer questions at the end of the chapter

25 Also review by…** 4. Have the student summarize the chapter in her own words 5. Ask the student for his opinions about what was read (with supporting evidence) 6. Ask the student if she has any questions about the chapter 7. Help the student make up test questions about the content they have just read.

26 Youtube video: ** Youtube channel Celeste Roseberry
Intervention for ELLs with Language Impairment: Preview-View-Review for Reading Comprehension

27 III. VOCABULARY Montgomery:

28 When teaching vocabulary…

29 A. DEVELOPING VOCABULARY SKILLS: Practical Strategies**
It is important for students of all ages to build their content knowledge/ conceptual foundation within meaningful contexts. Drill without context is usually ineffective. Develop knowledge of classroom/ curriculum vocabulary. We can ask teachers to provide us information about what vocabulary they are teaching in the classroom.

30 For example, if I have students from a classroom where they are learning about the ocean and marine life…** I use materials about the ocean and marine life as part of my therapy session. In this way, students are getting classroom vocabulary and concepts reinforced.

31 New words need to be learned in context**
Ideally, students should have concrete experiences when they learn new information When low-SES children first learn new vocabulary, that vocabulary needs to be contextualized—concrete experiences are best

32 If concrete experiences are not available…

33 I will sometimes use Internet or iPad**
Google Images is so helpful Youtube sometimes has relevant videos; I always prescreen just in case!

34 If students draw pictures of new words they are learning….

35 ** Research shows that merely exposing children to new words through reading is OK, but more is needed

36 We provide elaborated discussions about meanings of words in context
Students benefit from learning words “deeply” and retain the words better when:** We provide elaborated discussions about meanings of words in context We prime words in discussion BEFORE reading a passage Students actively practice using new words in sentences

37 To increase comprehension of vocabulary:

38 Page 346 is not on the test…**
But I use this in my job in the public schools a lot with elementary through teens

39 Biemiller:

40 Known Word New Word** Search, hunt Explore Have to Required
Keep going Maintain Lucky Fortunate

41 This is perfect

42 **In order to implement the Common Core State Standards into intervention, many experts today agree that when working with students with LI, even if they are ELLs, it is optimal to focus on developing “Tier 2” vocabulary words. Tier 1 words are the most basic, common words that many students pick up automatically from their environment (e.g. clock, happy, play). Tier 3 words are highly specialized, and the frequency of their use is low (peninsula, isotope, radiation).

43 , similar).

44 There are many online resources to guide professionals to lists of appropriate Tier 2 words** The research team created word lists for grades 2-7 by compiling words from appropriate basal readers and novels, with an emphasis on Tier 2 words. They then analyzed how often these vocabulary words appeared on state tests, and listed those as the ones to teach in The Word Up Project. One can go to the website and print lists of words by grade level for use in intervention.

45 **An free online resource that I have had great success with, especially with teenagers, is This teaches new synonyms (many of which are Tier 2 words) through multiple choice items; 65 levels

46 Happy means the same thing as: ** Bored Content Joyful Fatigued
Bored Content Joyful Fatigued If a student answers correctly, 20 grains of rice are literally donated to the United Nations World Food program and given to a hungry person in a developing area of the world. The students I work with love the idea that they are helping those who are less fortunate. If they get the answer wrong, the item is cycled back until they get it right. As the player becomes more knowledgeable and goes up through the levels, the items become more sophisticated.

47 Fancy Nancy is great for synonyms-there are iPad apps too**

Just when you thought it was safe to come out with your hands up… Morphology is baaaaack!!



51 We will remember from that long-ago 112 class….**
A morpheme is the smallest unit of linguistic meaning We have free and bound morphemes


53 **The CCSS have a strong on building morphological awareness skills beginning in kindergarten.
For example, one kindergarten standard is: [Students will] use the most frequently-occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un- pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.

54 **Because of this, we can implement simple, inexpensive activities to promote morphological awareness skills as part of overall programs to build oral and literate language skills in ELLs with LI

55 Can morphology be fun?

56 I was happily surprised to find….**
That it can be!

57 Activities for Increasing Morphological Awareness**
*Teach the terms affix, prefix, suffix, root word. Explicitly teach students that affixes are extra parts that are “fixed on” to root words. Affixes at the beginning of words are called prefixes because “pre” means “before;” suffixes come at the end of the word. *Have students highlight the root word in words such as hopeful, carefully, sleepless, workable, unhelpful

58 Make affix and root word card decks
**Make affix and root word card decks. In one bag, put root words; in another bag, put prefixes and suffixes. Provide each student with a sheet of paper. Have them select 5 root words and 5 suffixes. Set a timer for 3 minutes, and have them create as many words as they can with their roots and suffixes. These words can then be put into sentences.

59 •Ask students to bring in a classroom textbook (e. g
•Ask students to bring in a classroom textbook (e.g., a language arts or social studies book).

60 With one girl, LaShon, a first grade 6-year old…**
We worked with her first grade language arts book

61 LaShon read each page & we did decoding, comprehension, vocab**

62 Then we picked out words from the text that had suffixes

63 LaShon wrote them on the board and underlined the suffixes**
She said she thought it was fun! 

64 Studied 93 6-year old bilingual children who spoke Arabic and Hebrew
Schwartz et al. (2016) The role of emergent bilingualism… Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59, ** Studied 93 6-year old bilingual children who spoke Arabic and Hebrew They tested morphological awareness (MA) in both languages

65 Schwartz et al 2016 found: .

66 To extrapolate Schwartz et al. 2016:

VI. INCORPORATING CCSS INTO IEP GOALS** (just know the name of the app for test 4) A wonderful app is called “Common Core Library.” It is created by WAGmob Simple ‘n Easy. If a speech-language pathologist is writing an IEP goal, s/he can go to the Speaking and Listening Standards (for example) and use any that are appropriate in the IEP. For instance, second grade speaking and listening standard 2 says “The student will participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.” This can easily be written as an IEP goal.


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