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truculent: adjective definition: fierce; cruel; savagely brutal

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Presentation on theme: "truculent: adjective definition: fierce; cruel; savagely brutal"— Presentation transcript:

1 truculent: adjective definition: fierce; cruel; savagely brutal
aggressively hostile; belligerent brutally harsh; vitriolic; scathing

2 truculent pronunciation: truhk-yuh-luh nt

3 truculent related forms noun: truculence adverb: truculently

4 truculent synonyms: aggressive hostile fierce savage

5 truculent The truculent monster inspired fear in his captives.

6 truculent The truculent driver bellowed at the woman in front of him.

7 truculence Angry Birds are noted for their truculence.

8 truculence Their truculence was so extreme it made the audience laugh.

9 truculence The hockey players were noted for their truculence.

10 truculently The boys truculently fought, refusing to listen to each other.

11 truculently The vicious dog snarled truculently at the intruder.

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