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Commedia dell’Arte Italian Comedy of the 1600s

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2 Commedia dell’Arte Italian Comedy of the 1600s

3 background Beginning during the Renaissance and lasting into the eighteenth century, travelling troupes performed the commedia dell' arte, the Italian comedy; The company's ten or more actors each developed a specific type of comic character; Female parts were originally played by men; Plays were improvised; Before going on stage actors would work out a basic plot and improvise in performance; The comedy was often rude and bawdy The comedy would be centred around comedy scenarios or lazzi

4 staging Staging was whatever the company could rent;
For lighting – sun if outside, candles and oil lamps if indoors; Set design varied from none to painted sets according to location Actor / audience space also varied according to location

5 The Characteristics of Commedia
non-naturalistic performance style - comedy usually improvised by small troupes of actors – performed in the street performance skills used: spoken word mime dance acrobatics music visual includes audience as part of the performance permanent characters can make use of face masks

6 commedia performance style
big movement bold movement slow movement clock the audience exaggerated actions exaggerated reactions slapstick predictable plots and events

7 Arlecchino (Harlequin)
an acrobat and a wit childlike and amorous servant to Pantalone, Il Dotorre, Il Capitano a simpleton of lowest status quick movements but slow in thought in love with Columbina . . . . . .but fancies any passing woman aware of the audience

8 Arlecchino (Harlequin)
appearance: always ready to spring into action clumsy yet graceful ragged yet sleek low forehead with wart small round eyes wears belt, low on hips with pouch a diamond pattern of reds, greens, yellows and browns, with red tights and large pockets to pull things from

9 Arlecchino (Harlequin)
movement: always moving; knees bent as though he could spring into action elbows are bent placed on belt a great curve to the back with his chest pushed out walks in a zig-zag to 3-4 time, a step to left then centre, a step to the right then centre

10 Columbina principle maid to Isabella;
the only sane thinking character in Commedia; daughter of Brighella; can be very flirty with the men, and yet runs away from their advances; she’s independent and can look after herself; good at her job and careful with money; she captivates men.

11 Columbina appearance:
better dressed than male servants as a lady’s maid; neckline of bodice very low and frilly skirts fall below the knee wears mob cap and apron unmasked but eyes wide and well made up; graceful and feminine; usually carries a basket;

12 Pantalone caricature of the Venetian merchant rich – loves money
mean and miserly with a young wife or an adventurous daughter top of pecking order eyes up the women – but never successful old but tries to appear younger thinks everything can be bought or sold wears money pouch hanging from belt in front of genitals

13 Pantalone appearance: tall and skinny (like a stork) well endowed
long, hooked nose white beard and moustache bent over from age wore red breeches, a red vest, and a black ankle-length coat

14 feet together, toes apart
Pantalone movement: feet together, toes apart knees well bent and facing apart creating a focus on the crutch head leaning upward

15 Il Dottorre high in status old man; a doctor (probably not trained);
constantly drones on; makes it look like he knows what he’s talking about by throwing in big words; enjoys drinking; loves eating; always shown as a ‘quack’ (false) in the end.

16 Il Dottorre appearance: very fat;
wears a long jacket and black cloak down to his ankles; white collar; black breeches black shoes; skull cap on his head.

17 Il Capitano Self appointed to his rank of Captain, and has been stripped of his position due to cowardice or incompetence. He thinks he is handsome and brave, but in reality he is neither.

18 Il Capitano Big, exaggerated movement to represent his self confidence. Slashing of his sword (although he never actually uses it to fight with!) Open gestures and big arm movements to command attention. Walks with big strides.

19 Isabella Isabella is an aristocrat. Isabella is one of The Lovers.
She is in love with Flavio but also in love with herself. Can become jealous very easily.

20 Isabella Moves elegantly and gracefully. Adopts balletic poses.
Always very proud. Teeters on her toes and swishes her skirt.

21 B Brighella Master of Servants. Proud of his position.
Easily distracted by food (an obsession!) Low hygiene.

22 BBrighella’s Philosophy
Why run when you can walk? Why walk when you can stand? Why stand when you can sit? Why sit when you can lie?

23 B Brighella Wobbles when he walks.
He leads all movement with his stomach. If ‘on duty’ his energy level is up, but is far lazier when food and drink are involved!

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